suitable plants for 5-10g tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 6, 2006
hi i would like to know which plants are suitable for 5 - 10 g tank and most importantly dont need much care. Thx for the replies..
Of course a lot depends on how much lighting you have but I would suggest you look at Cryptocoryne wendtii and dwarf sags. Neither require a lot of care and do well under the usual lighting conditions found in tanks that size.
all depends on your lighting. if u have an normal hood with the screw in type bubls u could use one of the CF bulbs and grow different types of crypts like gheitman suggested but u could also try some easy to grow stem plants like l.repens or the famous h.polysperma. but again we really need to know the light u have.... well all the information would be good for determining. like light, substate, fertalizers(if any), co2(if any), bio load... stuff like that.
Anubias nana, and Anubias nana petite are good ones for small tanks. The one thing I recommend is not getting anything that will get too big. I made mistakes early on that I'm trying to fix now. I got plants that grew out of the top of my 10g tank. Look for small stuff. Plants that are normally midground plants will be used as background stuff in a 5 or 10g.
Smaller Crypt sp. like Lucens, Willisii, and Wendtii
Smaller Anubias sp. like Nana and Nana "Petite"
Java Fern (most any species)
Java Moss

These are basic low light low maintenance plants. With a bit more light and some minimal ferts, you would be able to add a few more plants to your list. With lots of light, ferts, and CO2 you would be able to grow most anything and would only be limited by the size of your tank.
Hi, Thanks for all the infomations.. but i hv one doubt will these plants cause the growth of algae on the glass of my tank?
Plants do not cause algae of any kind. Nutrient imbalances cause algae. If properly cared for a planted tank will have no more, and probably less algae than a non planted tank.
For a lower lighting ground cover, L. Tiandra is also great in a small tank. Also, R. Rotundafolio is doing awsome in mine. And if it's going to be a breeder tank, then Wisteria does excellent too and keeps your water parameters clean.
Anacharis, crypts, anubias should all work well. I have grown all of them with the standard 15 watt fluorescent over a 10 gallon. Without CO2 and without anything but micro dosing.
Microdosing means dosing with micronutrients such as calcium, magnesium and iron. Seachem's Flourish in one such source and the one that I use.
flousrish comprenhensive. make sure u dont get flourish trace. it is useless. there is a link to figure out how much to dose for a any size tank. i dose 5ml for a 20 gal tank. your goal is .2 ppm of iron i believe. so 1.25 ml should give u .2 iron ina 5 gal and 2.5 ml in a 10 gal would give u .2 ppm of iron. another option is . he sells dry fertalizers that u mix yourself. much cheaper and will last alot longer. also very easy to mix and dose. u will want plantex csm+b from him for your micro dosing.
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