Tank Size?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 31, 2004
I have a 25 gal right now for three young fish: one Pictus Catfish, one Banded Leporinus, and one Jack dempsey. I know the dempsey and the catfish are slow growing (4 years give or take) but what about the leporinus?

Also what size would be recommended for all three at full size? Pictus gets to 6-7" JD to 7-8" and Leporinus to 10-12"
I don't know about your Leporinus, but your pictus can get up to 10". I've got mine in a 55, and he went from the baby 3" at the lfs to almost 7" in a little over a year. Your guys growth could be slower than that in a 25, but it won't be 4 years.
I would suggest you start at a 125g minimum (for the leporinus anyway- the adults definitely need their swimming space! ;)).
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