Teen aquarists

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Lol hopefully! Does your gf like aquariums?

Ha im not a teen but saw this and had to comment on this too, my girlfriend is totally uninterested and i genuinely dont and cant understand why to the point where it actually annoys me.
Lol I don't know if I could be with someone tht don love fish or any other animal

Yeah, well i think that too sometimes like when i get excited over a new fish! and she wont come and look at it when i get it! "What do you mean you dont wanna see it!!!!!!!!!!!".
My roomates think Im crazy I'm still stockig and tht keep saying I thought you were done...
Lol hopefully! Does your gf like aquariums?

Idk she likes my aquariums but she herself has only had like one aquarium before and had a bad experience because she didn't really know how to take care of it. But this 8 gallon will be much simpler because before it was like a 30 gallon tank and was just way to much for her to maintain because she didn't really have time to gravel vac and do water changes and all that on a 30 gallon so hopefully a 8 gallon will be much quicker and easier for her to maintain. And after looking at the evolve I kinda want one... Lol so I might get one myself eventually they are very nice appearance wise
Idk she likes my aquariums but she herself has only had like one aquarium before and had a bad experience because she didn't really know how to take care of it. But this 8 gallon will be much simpler because before it was like a 30 gallon tank and was just way to much for her to maintain because she didn't really have time to gravel vac and do water changes and all that on a 30 gallon so hopefully a 8 gallon will be much quicker and easier for her to maintain. And after looking at the evolve I kinda want one... Lol so I might get one myself eventually they are very nice appearance wise

Maybe a shrimp tank would be ideal? Weakly 10% waterchanges and feeding only a few times a week
Idk she likes my aquariums but she herself has only had like one aquarium before and had a bad experience because she didn't really know how to take care of it. But this 8 gallon will be much simpler because before it was like a 30 gallon tank and was just way to much for her to maintain because she didn't really have time to gravel vac and do water changes and all that on a 30 gallon so hopefully a 8 gallon will be much quicker and easier for her to maintain. And after looking at the evolve I kinda want one... Lol so I might get one myself eventually they are very nice appearance wise

I love my evolve 8 :)
The original LEDs are a lot brighter, I just wanted a spotlight effect.


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I love my evolve 8 :) The original LEDs are a lot brighter, I just wanted a spotlight effect.

Neon tetras and a Pleco to start with and when the Pleco gets big enough he's goin in my tank haha and nice I kinda want a evolve now
Hey Kristian! I'm also Bradley, i have 6 tanks and i'm into the Africans!

Awesome! I like the idea of keeping cichlids because you can identify them easily because they all look different and you can name them and identify them. Whereas with small schoaling fish you can't. 6 neon tetra all look the same :D
Awesome! I like the idea of keeping cichlids because you can identify them easily because they all look different and you can name them and identify them. Whereas with small schoaling fish you can't. 6 neon tetra all look the same :D
Very true! They are awesome fish! I've had great success with them!
Very true! They are awesome fish! I've had great success with them!

When I get a bigger tank next year (65 gallons) I'm gonna get 2 angelfish and some dwarf cichlids. I'll post full stock list if anyone's interested :)
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