Teen aquarists

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When I get a bigger tank next year (65 gallons) I'm gonna get 2 angelfish and some dwarf cichlids. I'll post full stock list if anyone's interested :)

Get some turquoise jewels they're cool and kinda docile and I love Africans and surfer is the Pleco beast!
Get some turquoise jewels they're cool and kinda docile and I love Africans and surfer is the Pleco beast!

I'm gonna get a bristlenose pleco and and an albino bristlenose pleco for my big tank when I get it. I would love a green phantom pleco but if it died I would be heart broken and so would my wallet. Although in my 2 months in the hobby I haven't had a single fish death :)
I'm gonna get a bristlenose pleco and and an albino bristlenose pleco for my big tank when I get it. I would love a green phantom pleco but if it died I would be heart broken and so would my wallet. Although in my 2 months in the hobby I haven't had a single fish death :)

I have 3 bristle nose all albino and they're amazing I would also suggest a clown Pleco because they are great for beginners but they eat wood just so you know(surfer saved mine cuz I thought they were algae eaters) and clown plecos stay small and albino chocolate plecos are also a good idea but they get 14" haha
Haha, thanks guys I'm flattered. Rowe works at petco he's great with his fish, and another pleco lover like me :) brads the African lover as you've already noticed XP There are quite a few other teens here, like Oscar if you ever need help with non-African cichlids. Bristlenose plecos are cool additions to any tank, a pair is also very interesting to watch. It's not often someone interested in plecs comes along, I have to do a lot of converting hahaha.

I had a green phantom for a while, she was a nice 6 inches. As long as you get a healthy specimen with pristine water you should be as good as gold.


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Hi I'm Kristian I'm 14 and I have a ten gallon planted tank!
Whoo new teen members!

Hi! I'm George, I have 2 saltwater tanks, I left the freshwater side earlier this year.

I haven't posted on this thread in forevverrr. But hi again, everyone!
I also believe I forgot to post pics of my new golden blue eyed plecos? I got a group of 6 for breeding.


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Haha, thanks guys I'm flattered. Rowe works at petco he's great with his fish, and another pleco lover like me :) brads the African lover as you've already noticed XP There are quite a few other teens here, like Oscar if you ever need help with non-African cichlids. Bristlenose plecos are cool additions to any tank, a pair is also very interesting to watch. It's not often someone interested in plecs comes along, I have to do a lot of converting hahaha. I had a green phantom for a while, she was a nice 6 inches. As long as you get a healthy specimen with pristine water you should be as good as gold.

I wuv plecs. There's a Pleco I saw the other day and need u to identify but I forgot to save the pic lol I'll try to find it later
Whoo new teen members! Hi! I'm George, I have 2 saltwater tanks, I left the freshwater side earlier this year. I haven't posted on this thread in forevverrr. But hi again, everyone!
Welcome back George! How are the tanks/fish? And nice plecs surfer! Any spawns yet?
Haha, thanks guys I'm flattered. Rowe works at petco he's great with his fish, and another pleco lover like me :) brads the African lover as you've already noticed XP There are quite a few other teens here, like Oscar if you ever need help with non-African cichlids. Bristlenose plecos are cool additions to any tank, a pair is also very interesting to watch. It's not often someone interested in plecs comes along, I have to do a lot of converting hahaha. I had a green phantom for a while, she was a nice 6 inches. As long as you get a healthy specimen with pristine water you should be as good as gold.

Hey why does my rubber lip Pleco always stay out in the open? I've like never seen him hiding he is very assertive. Normal?
I guess we are all pleco crazy!

My 5 BNP are all very interesting!
I have 2 albino (breeding pair) and two brown (breeding pair?) and a female calico

So, needless to say, im out for a male calico!
Hey why does my rubber lip Pleco always stay out in the open? I've like never seen him hiding he is very assertive. Normal?

No marine no spawns yet, theyre only 2 inches long atm but ill have fry next year :) i also ordered a little surprise bn ill be getting later next week ;)

Rowe thats perfectly normal, their natural habitat is littered in pebbles and stones, so they're used to being out in the open enjoying flow. once they claim a spot theres no way anyone can get near it if he feels threatened.

Oh yeah, and bubbles has Taken the next step up and began breeding. You go girl :p
No marine no spawns yet, theyre only 2 inches long atm but ill have fry next year :) i also ordered a little surprise bn ill be getting later next week ;) Rowe thats perfectly normal, their natural habitat is littered in pebbles and stones, so they're used to being out in the open enjoying flow. once they claim a spot theres no way anyone can get near it if he feels threatened. Oh yeah, and bubbles has Taken the next step up and began breeding. You go girl :p
Cool! Thats exciting! Hey i'm gonna try breeding them too! I have a four inch male in my 55. Any tips?
I think one of my Kuhli loach eggs hatched and the baby survived in my 55 against all odds
I personally do not like plecos. Even though I had a 17 year old bristlenose pleco that was a whole 7"-8". That thing was older then me...
Wow i would love to see a pic, he sounds like a monster

He was blind (or at least sensitive in one eye) from living with a stingray and large cichlids, so he was rarely visible. I will dig up a picture of when I was asking about his "horn". It's still unidentified. He had this floppy white horn on his nose. Ill find the thread
Edit- here's the pic. Sorry I don't have any full body pics. He died on me a while ago.


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Okay I've been given the option of building a pond or converting my 36g to SW, but I would have to build the pond myself :( Anyways which one should I choose? I don't think the area my mom set for the pond is big enough.
Okay I've been given the option of building a pond or converting my 36g to SW, but I would have to build the pond myself :( Anyways which one should I choose? I don't think the area my mom set for the pond is big enough.

36 gallon salt all the way. Retro fit coralife kit and a aqua clear 70 bam your done :)
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