Teen aquarists

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That is sweet! I'm jealous! How many gallons is that one again?

Ahah thank you! :) It's around 20G I believe. When the humbug cat and the plec grow up a bit (they're tiny babies at the moment, bless them) they'll be going in a 6ft tank me and my mother in law are purchasing to share, but all the other fish will probably stay in there, they seem happy :)
That is sweet! I'm jealous! How many gallons is that one again?

And the severum will obviously have to change tanks eventually too, completely forgot about him! My dad made me buy the severum cause he likes them so much, he failed to tell me it'd get like a dinner plate!
And the severum will obviously have to change tanks eventually too, completely forgot about him! My dad made me buy the severum cause he likes them so much, he failed to tell me it'd get like a dinner plate!

I like heros, they remind me of a poor-mans discus :) I'm definitely going to get a tank for them some day.
I like heros, they remind me of a poor-mans discus :) I'm definitely going to get a tank for them some day.

I thought that too! That's probably why I like him so much, I'd love a few discus' but I'm not confident spending that sort of money on a fish yet, I've only had my tank a matter of months so I don't want to risk it yet. When the severum's moved tanks I might need to get him a friend or two though, I think they're really pretty :p
I have a couple of normal mollies as well as the balloons which I completely forgot about ahah. I'm really proud of my balloons, I'd wanted one for ages but I knew about the potential health problems so I avoided them, but I went into my LFS and they'd had a few sailfin balloons delivered in by accident and I couldn't say no :') They're getting alone really well, swimming and eating just as well as all the other fish! They're little gems :)

I have one Molly myself. :) she's cute and smart as well. (By smart I mean she sticks by the goldfish because she knows he leads to food.) lol in the future I want a few different colored mollies and one Dalmatian Molly. Have a pic of your balloon mollies?
I have one Molly myself. :) she's cute and smart as well. (By smart I mean she sticks by the goldfish because she knows he leads to food.) lol in the future I want a few different colored mollies and one Dalmatian Molly. Have a pic of your balloon mollies?

Aww that's adorable! I have a dalmatian fish, but I don't know if she's platy or molly o_O I bought her as a platy, but I've had people say she's a molly, then others say she's a platy? I think she might be a hybrid between the two because she doesn't look 100% like either, but has traces of both, if you know what I mean. It's weird! And yep I have a link to a picture, I hope it works! :) This is my male sailfin balloon, the sailfin is the reason why I had to buy him ;) His girlfriend is similar to him but orange rather than brown. I apologise that it's not the best photo ever, they rarely sit still! :')

I know that they're dyed, not sure I'd want to know how! I know it's cruel and I know they suffer and have a shortened lifespan because of it, it's ridiculous.

Ya dyed. Its stupid that people change things just because they can. Thats why im going to live between nowheresville and Timbuktu lol. But they take the slime coat off, dip them in dye, and repeat.
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