The Great Plant Experment

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Really you should try the foam. All you need to do is plan it out in 3d make it first in clay etc but to a smaller scale and then just transfer it to the foam. Just do rocks and or bricks first and you cant go wrong. The best looking rocks I had were some of the scrap pieces I had left over in odd shapes.
Well I had the answer to a prayer I found the silver dollar I had not seen for a couple of days or more. He was in the first crack I looked in and I only had to move half of the plants. He was the one with a lot of fin damage and was in really bad shape. So since I dont have an extra tank to keep him in (I am going to set one up some time) I had to put him to sleep. But now I can keep the tank as it is for a couple of months and see if the Silver Dollars servive the new plants and get less shy with the extra cover. It was a real answer to a prayer finding him so easy.
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