The Sixty Gallon Build :)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Got the CO2 setup, i'll post more about it on my build thread.

Cool! I'm going to go check it out :)

The co2 iss working! There is a really really steady stream of tiny bubles coming out. I did not think they would be that many bubbles.

The bubbles used to be hitting the surface and sticking, but not I've repositioned the diffuser all the way at the bottom right below the powerhead. Theyseem to now be hitting the surface and popping. is this okay? And there's co2 bubbles flying all over the tank. I doubt the diy co2 will reach a level harmful to fish, but is this also okay?
George9 said:
Cool! I'm going to go check it out :)

The co2 iss working! There is a really really steady stream of tiny bubles coming out. I did not think they would be that many bubbles.

The bubbles used to be hitting the surface and sticking, but not I've repositioned the diffuser all the way at the bottom right below the powerhead. Theyseem to now be hitting the surface and popping. is this okay? And there's co2 bubbles flying all over the tank. I doubt the diy co2 will reach a level harmful to fish, but is this also okay?

I usually try to keep as many bubbles as i can from popping cause once they pop you lose the gas. The tank is big enough to where a DIY setup shouldn't affect the fish, just keep an eye on you're PH.
I usually try to keep as many bubbles as i can from popping cause once they pop you lose the gas. The tank is big enough to where a DIY setup shouldn't affect the fish, just keep an eye on you're PH.
Hmm, so the bubbles are just supposed to float around in the water? Eventually, they are supposed to come to the surface and pop, right? Right now, theyre being pushed all over by the powerhead, then they'll go to the surface and pop.

Sorry for all these stupid questions
George9 said:
Hmm, so the bubbles are just supposed to float around in the water? Eventually, they are supposed to come to the surface and pop, right? Right now, theyre being pushed all over by the powerhead, then they'll go to the surface and pop.

Sorry for all these stupid questions

They're not stupid questions man :)

Yes the bubbles will eventually pop. The goal is to keep them in the water as long as possible so the plants can utilize them.
skywhitney said:
They're not stupid questions man :)

Yes the bubbles will eventually pop. The goal is to keep them in the water as long as possible so the plants can utilize them.

Lol okay thanks!

I forgot to mention. I went to petsmart this morning to get a few black kuhli loaches along with my striped ones. I was soo surprised by the quality of their fish and how clean the tanks were! Not one fish sick or with ich. So, I bought 3 black kuhlis. Two of them are nice and big, the other is small. And a turquoise rainbow friend for my boesmani. The rainbow looks awesome! I plan to get another rainbow and maybe the angel later this week. Then maybe some neons or something similar or rasboras, and in a couple months the gbr. I'm almost stocked and this tank is finally starting to shape up!
Love the tank. :) I have the same one, though, and was wondering if you managed to squeeze the canister filter below the stand or if you housed it off to the side. It has been the only irritation for me with the stand. I've been doing two aquaclears (70 and 110), but my tanks with canisters are always so much clearer somehow.
Khalix said:
Love the tank. :) I have the same one, though, and was wondering if you managed to squeeze the canister filter below the stand or if you housed it off to the side. It has been the only irritation for me with the stand. I've been doing two aquaclears (70 and 110), but my tanks with canisters are always so much clearer somehow.

Thanks :)

That's my only complaint. I had already bought the stand when I realized, oh no, where's the filter going to go? But I ended up just putting the filter behind the stand. The tank is not flush against the wall like I like, but it's okay. Now that I think about it, I should have bought a fluval 406.
Where I have my tank it's basically fit perfectly into an alcove in the wall so I wouldn't be able to service the canister if I had it behind. :( Perhaps when we move. It's a good idea. Though I toyed with maybe building a hidey hole box off to the side in the future and make it look like furniture.

Working in a pet store is going to be the financial ruin of me, I swear. :D
Khalix said:
Where I have my tank it's basically fit perfectly into an alcove in the wall so I wouldn't be able to service the canister if I had it behind. :( Perhaps when we move. It's a good idea. Though I toyed with maybe building a hidey hole box off to the side in the future and make it look like furniture.

Working in a pet store is going to be the financial ruin of me, I swear. :D

Haha it would be fun working at a pet store!!

Anywho, I need your honest opinion. How is the tank looking so far? I haves couple pics. I have a small piece if driftwood about the size of the area the slate is in, should I switch out the slate for the dw IYO?

The big tall moneywort just started melting again :( I'm going to have to trash it

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Sorry, the pics are kinda crummy
George9 said:
Haha it would be fun working at a pet store!!

Anywho, I need your honest opinion. How is the tank looking so far? I haves couple pics. I have a small piece if driftwood about the size of the area the slate is in, should I switch out the slate for the dw IYO?

The big tall moneywort just started melting again :( I'm going to have to trash it

Sorry, the pics are kinda crummy

The tank is looking really good! The plants should start growing faster with the CO2 and dry ferts so it'll probably start filling in pretty quick.

Post a pic of the DW and i'll tell ya my opinion after i see what it looks like :) i personally like the height elements in my tank which is why i'm asking.

What type of look are you trying to get? Heavily planted, Lighty planted, Natual habitat, etc? When you think about your optimal tank what do you see?
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OKay I can post a pic of it later.

I just noticed two more dead rummies. I think the co2 is at fault because all other levels check out. But a 3 liter bottle shouldnt produce enough co2 in a 60 g to kill fish, would it? Maybe I should try a smaller bottle?
George9 said:
OKay I can post a pic of it later.

I just noticed two more dead rummies. I think the co2 is at fault because all other levels check out. But a 3 liter bottle shouldnt produce enough co2 in a 60 g to kill fish, would it? Maybe I should try a smaller bottle?

I wouldn't think it would... That sucks though, i'm sorry.

Have the fish been near the surface gasping?
skywhitney said:
I wouldn't think it would... That sucks though, i'm sorry.

Have the fish been near the surface gasping?

No not at all. They're happy as usual. I hope I don't lose anymore. I've had so many problems with the stupid rummies!!
I just noticed that there are lots of bubbles sticking to the suface when looked at from below, but can't be seen from above. Is this a bad thing?

Oh, and I'm going to get the pic of the dw now.
Here is the dw. Its propabably the same length as the slate is now. It has virtually no height, but it higher than the slate still. I think it could look cool with some anubias and moss or something on it.


George9 said:
I just noticed that there are lots of bubbles sticking to the suface when looked at from below, but can't be seen from above. Is this a bad thing?

Oh, and I'm going to get the pic of the dw now.

Thats exactly what my tank looks like and i havent had any problems with it personally. I'm always up to having someone else with more experience jump in though!

George9 said:
Here is the dw. Its propabably the same length as the slate is now. It has virtually no height, but it higher than the slate still. I think it could look cool with some anubias and moss or something on it.



ithink that you could get it to look really cool with the DW. You might want to even think of a way you could use both the slate and the DW, that could have some awesome possibilities as well! :)
skywhitney said:
Thats exactly what my tank looks like and i havent had any problems with it personally. I'm always up to having someone else with more experience jump in though!

ithink that you could get it to look really cool with the DW. You might want to even think of a way you could use both the slate and the DW, that could have some awesome possibilities as well! :)

Phew!! I won't worry about it then. I'm going to experiment with the dw tomorrow and see how it looks with only the dw.

I actually noticing some nice growth too! I just saw a couple new wisteria shoots that seem to have shot up overnight. And the chilensis is sending new runners I think they're called, and the new ones are actually green instead of clear like they're melting!
skywhitney said:
Thats exactly what my tank looks like and i havent had any problems with it personally. I'm always up to having someone else with more experience jump in though!

ithink that you could get it to look really cool with the DW. You might want to even think of a way you could use both the slate and the DW, that could have some awesome possibilities as well! :)

Oh, and in the pics of your tank I noticed a little bit of a carpet plant, or a groundcover plant. Is this even one, and if so what is it called? I kinda want some type of carpetish plants to fill in the bottom a little.
George9 said:
Oh, and in the pics of your tank I noticed a little bit of a carpet plant, or a groundcover plant. Is this even one, and if so what is it called? I kinda want some type of carpetish plants to fill in the bottom a little.

This guy? Thats Dwarf Sagittaria (Sagittaria subulata). Its basiclly aquatic grass lol. It's pretty cool, i like it.
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skywhitney said:
This guy? Thats Dwarf Sagittaria (Sagittaria subulata). Its basiclly aquatic grass lol. It's pretty cool, i like it.

Aha!! Dwarf sag!! That's it. I need some lol. It looks really cool. Do they grow pretty fast?
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