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This came on an order from ipsf. It was advertised as an anthelia polyp, but it looks like I have there different things on this. Should I separate them, amd what are they?
Anthelia and xenia looks a lot alike when it is that small. I am thinking it is xenia and if it is anything like mine in 9 months it will be the size of a baseball or larger. And it looks like you have some zoas at the base of it.
Leave them alone but keep an eye on the anthelia. I set mine against the back of the tank so it would grow and spread on that instead of the rocks and it will be easy to scrape off.
This came on an order from ipsf. It was advertised as an anthelia polyp, but it looks like I have there different things on this. Should I separate them, amd what are they?
Leave them alone.xenia and the zoa will be fine. But under good conditions the zoa will spread fast and could overgrow the xenia but than again I could say the same thing about the xenia!!!!! Good luckand have fun with it!! I have a similar piece!
Watch out! That Kenya tree will grow like crazy! I have a large one in my tank and it's been in there for about a month, I already have three frags growing in my tank and like 5 getting ready to split from the tree!!