Tube anemone input-experience

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 14, 2011
Houston, TX
Any1 out there have experience with a tube anemone? I've done a little research but have come up with mixed feelings. I also seen that they have eaten fish. Long story made short is that my girl friend brought a pink 1 home today. Fish include scooter blenny,clown goby,and maroon clown. Also various corals. Any input would be helpful thanks
Yep Kbeezy they do eat fish, but most fish(should be all fish, but you know how it goes "only the strong and smart survive") should know that it will eat them and they stay away from deep is your sandbed? He needs to be buried deep
armyman16 said:
Yep Kbeezy they do eat fish, but most fish(should be all fish, but you know how it goes "only the strong and smart survive") should know that it will eat them and they stay away from deep is your sandbed? He needs to be buried deep

My sandbed is a good 2 1/2in. I will bury it tomorrow. After I acclimated it, I cleared out some space and just threw him in there for now. I will also try to post a pic but since I switched to LEDs my phone will not focus right. I don't know y. Sometimes the pics come out green
Alright that sounds good depending on what type of tube anemone it you know what type it is? If not could you post up a pic? This one is mine the day after I got it and I didn't bury it deep enough
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