Using red sea products

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 10, 2012
does anyone use there products i wanna ask a question
I use their salt and test kits, I like them seem to be a little better quality than most brands, I wouldn't say they they are top of the line, but they make good stuff. I'm pleased with my purchases, even though there were cheaper options.
yea there pretty good . so you dont use the suppliments (no po ) or whatever its called
No, never used any red sea supplements, I've used mostly kent marine supplements. Not anything against red sea, it's just a couple of my lfs carry the kent marine stuff as supplements.
kool well anyway i might ask anyway .

with the no po stuff witch is a nitrate an phosephate remover if you nitrate and phosephate are zero how do you no when to water change .

like they have supliments for everything calcium iodine magneseam like everything haha

y water change then .

i water change every 2 weeks but just curious ??

i hope you no what i mean
kool well anyway i might ask anyway .

with the no po stuff witch is a nitrate an phosephate remover if you nitrate and phosephate are zero how do you no when to water change .

like they have supliments for everything calcium iodine magneseam like everything haha

y water change then .

i water change every 2 weeks but just curious ??

i hope you no what i mean

Water changes still need to be done on a regular basis while using products like these. The product you are speaking of is a carbon source. So I would research carbon dosing or atleast understand it before using.

Another thing I would look into is why you feel you need to use this product. If 20% weekly changes are maintaining nitrates and phosphates and you are not overstocked or overfeeding then you should not need to use this product.

Also all those supplements are not required if you are maintaining there levels with water changes. Only heavily stocked coral reef tanks will require these forms of supplementation on a regular basis.

A link explaining water changes.
Water Changes in Reef Aquaria by Randy Holmes-Farley -
its good to have another perspective on things like that thank you .

ill read more about it
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