Vacation feeder?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 29, 2013
So I am going on vacation for a week and was wondering about vacation feeders. I looked at reveiws and some said it worked some didn't. So what are your personal experiences's with them?
I have used them twice on both my fresh water tanks and saltwater. I won't go away without putting them on. Make sure you set it right, has the right sized food in it, and make sure not to much food comes out at each feeding programmed
Yea your fish can survive about 5 days without food so just one would be enough to keep them happy how many do you have ?
You could probably buy a weekend block feeder and that could do them but one auto feeder would be fine
Look up eheim or nutrafin auto feeders they are good. Fill it up and set it to feed how much and how often you want
If you didn't want to go to the trouble of getting the feeder and setting it up you could just go with the weekend block like moggy said.
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