what carbon to get ??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 9, 2005
United Kingdom
Hi guys I'm in the uk and was needing some carbon , so I went to my local pet shop and got some 100g for £2.30 and my friend says that I was getting ripped off I should get the charcoal stuff for the barbecue its the same thing :oops: is he right on this one or not ?? :?:
The aquarium stuff is much more refined and thus safer. It wont have added chemicals either. Generally, you should not need carbon as it doesn't actually do much for your aquarium. It stops working in around a week anyway and you have to remove it to add most medications. The general consensus on this forum is to leave it out unless you are removing medications from the water, post treatment.
Very true about not needing carbon unless removing meds from water. Use filter floss instead, can be bought at walmart or sewing stores, it is 100% pure polyester filling for pillows. It is much cheaper and you can cut it to fit each individual filter.
The use of carbon is mainly to remove meds, as well as clear the water if you have driftwood. And like it was stated above, will need to be replaced weekly, as it gets used up.

And a lot of charcoal may have other additives which can affect the tank as well. IMO not aquarium safe.
No need for AC unless you have medicine or tannins or suspect some kind of contaminent is in the tank. I would not put charcaol in my filter. It is not AC it is processed hard wood.
littledevil said:
my friend says that I was getting ripped off I should get the charcoal stuff for the barbecue its the same thing :oops: is he right on this one or not ?? :?:

thats pretty funny actually... :lol:
i dont think it would be a good idea
I always have some in case I need to get rid of meds, but otherwise I put bio max in its place.
If your carbon gets used up in a week, something is wrong here, either too much in the water (more matainance required) or poor quality carbon is being used. Beware of AC that claims to be phosphate free. Acid washed carbons are perferred as they will leach less. Coconut shell based carbons are also undesireable as they are more for filtering gasses than water. Not as porous.
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