what food to buy during vacation leave?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 19, 2005
Los Angeles
I'm leaving to vegas for new years what can i buy since no one is here to feed my fish?
I usually get some solid food that is in like the shape of a clam or turtle that disolves over a period of days...it worked really well for me, just put it in the tank and it dissolves...you can get them for a different number of days anywhere from 3-10, thats just what I have found in the stores
It's been a while since I've been in the advice game, so correct me if I'm wrong.

I've heard (and been give good reason to believe) that those long-lasting food clumps are terrible for water quality. The rule of thumb is that under feeding is preferable to over-feeding, especially when you're not around to watch the effects.

If you'll be gone a week or less, your fish ought to make it just fine without any food at all. If longer, and you have no one to take care of it, you might consider taking it to a pet store to watch while you're gone.

What fish have you got anyway :?:
EDIT: Oh duh, you have your fish listed in your sig. :roll:
What's best is an auto feeder to feed lightly while you are gone, like a small mixture of flake with maybe a little freeze-dried bloodworms or brine shrimp. Those disolvables are hard on the water parameters. How long are you going to be gone for?
Those 'vacation foods' are awful....give your fish a feed the day you leave, and they will be just fine until Tuesday.....if you decide you must feed them, get a good autofeeder, like the Nutrafin ones, but be prepared to spend $35-$45 on it.
I usually put in a few slices of cucumber or zucchini if it is only going to be a few days. If its longer than that they start to rot.
its states right on the package for disolveable food that a 50% pwc is recommended when returning from your trip. I have used those in the past, removed them when i get home do a 50% water change and see no reflection in my water perameters.
Apocalypse_Gold said:
I usually put in a few slices of cucumber or zucchini if it is only going to be a few days. If its longer than that they start to rot.

Another very good idea. I like that, will have to remember it. :)
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