What is your favorite live plant?

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beginner on the loose

Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 5, 2012
I am setting up my new 20 gallon aquarium and dont have experience with planted tanks, so what plant is your favortie and why? ...In your response please add details about the plant such as lighting, coloration, and keeping difficulty, Thanks!
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I love all kinds of crypts! I like them because they are easy to grow and don't demand much lighting or fertilizer. They come in different colors such as green, brown, and a redish color. I have some growing in a tank with less than a watt of lighting per gallon. All you have to do is plant their roots in your substrate and they will grow, but they might like it if you dose the aquarium with a little fertilizer.
To piggy back on what adammorril said, you dont need anything special at all, except roottabs which are just nutrient balls you stick in the substrate.
My fav lowtech plant is javafern, because its come in many varieties and is virtually an indestructible plant. With these tho, you have to tie onto a piece of rock or wood because they dont like being planted. They can survive in virtually any aquarium.
Of all plants out there...alternanthera reineckii but its a medium to high light plant so I don't have the set up for it :(

For low light I love anubias nana. So easy, so hardy and its kind of cute!
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