What kind of fish is this?

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Chub Keeper

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 12, 2013
I bought it at a pet smart and it was labeled sassafras goldfish though I know this can be misidentified though what kind is it? It eats like a hog and is only 3 inches in a 55 gallon tank.
I bought it at a pet smart and it was labeled sassafras goldfish though I know this can be misidentified though what kind is it? It eats like a hog and is only 3 inches in a 55 gallon tank.

Sorry thought I posted a picture of him the first time


I agree- it looks like a comet. Sarasa comets(or sarassa, depending on who is spelling it) usually have longer, flowy finnage.
Thanks I'm not familiar yet with all the variations of comet goldfish though I am pretty happy I didn't buy a koi by accident that would grow to be 3 feet long.
Looks like big ole goldfish carp with a Godzilla appetite. Goldfish are a nightmare to me anymore LOL. I had two and they just were impossible. Keeping them alive was like stapling Jelly to a brick while giving birth to a shark. But that was my experience/ nightmare.
Thanks I'm not familiar yet with all the variations of comet goldfish though I am pretty happy I didn't buy a koi by accident that would grow to be 3 feet long.

Well, 3ft, definitely not but these guys can easily reach a foot to a foot and half. :)
You one lucky person. LOL Monster fish they are! Good luck with that big nice tank =D

Actually the sassaras is 3 inches long, black Moore 2 1/2 inches, and the calico ryukin is 3 inches long so they are all actually just babies.
If the comet was the only fish, I wouldn't be very concerned but your going to have issues housing two fancies with a singletail. Generally, its not recommended to house them together as the comet will starve the ryukin and moor and possibly bully and abuse the slow fancies. You may get away the present stock for a bit but your going to eventually have issues, I am afraid to say.
Well then if it comes down to it and the single tail shows any sign of aggression he is gone, the chubs and sunfish were aggressive so I resleased them were I caught them. Though does either petco or pet smart have ranchu goldfish I wanted one so bad but pet smart didn't have them or will i have to go to a fish speciality store?
Chain stores rarely carry speciality fish of any kind. Once in rare while, I'll see a lionhead in Petsmart but that's about it. They usually have orandas and red caps. No ranchus with your present stock- they have even harder time swimming and more or less waddle rather than swim. SVRs and TVRs can bit a bit difficult to find. You can see what Steve is selling at Raingarden Goldfish- he has the most reasonable shipping costs of any US breeder around. :)
Would a oranda be ok? And are fancy golf fishes affected by high filtration?
I am not sure what you mean by 'high filtration'. Its recommend to run a minimum of 10x the tank size on a goldfish tank. So, 550gph on a 55g is the lowest but I run over 1200gph on my 55's. No such thing as too much filtration unless its blowing your fish around or they can not swim. Take some time to read the article below- it covers the basics on goldfish care, diet, health, etc (geared towards fancies) plus a lot of other general information in respect to goldfish. Please ask if you have any questions!

Ok I'm going to be honest I do have some tropical fish with them 1 Raphael catfish, 5 Cory catfish, 2 spiny eels, and 1 bristle nosed Pleco. All of the tropical fish are doing ok and eating. I also have 8 black nosed dace in the tank which are a minnow native to the east coast in streams. By high filtration I meant power filters which I have on one side of the tank with hood while the ryukin and Moore hang out on the over side of the tank with less filtration. I know that I am breaking the rules keeping tropical fish with cold water fish though I have had 2 of the Cory's in tanks many times with no heater and they have done fine.
Depending on the Cory they should be ok in a heated tank, the bnp will be fine. The others though....
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