what plants should i get?

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No actually, I got it at another LFS, never seen it at petsmart before
I think I have seen it at petsmart in those little boxed plants they have started selling...


In this type of package
Ok the plant i am confident to get so far is dwarf saggitaria any other specific plant i should get?
Ok the plant i am confident to get so far is dwarf saggitaria any other specific plant i should get?

Look for low light aquarium plants. Search this forum or google. Look at pictures of the plants on the web. Also google or search for easy aquarium plants. Get a few plants and see how it goes. Each tank is different. Finding plants that work for you is part research and knowledge, part environment, part care, and part luck.
I've hear moss balls are really good. Problem is they float and sink so what you could do is tie fishing string around one and tie it to a weight or a rock to keep it down
I don't want to have plants that need the plant liquid fertilizer stuff

In general, if you want the plants to live and do well, you have to feed them, just like you do the fish.

Look for low light stem plants like other posters have suggested to you.
Yeah i was curious about moss balls and anacharas also sag they sound like easy plants do you guys think they would work?
Do you thi.k my lucky bamboo and mondo grass will live?

And if i do end up getting fertilizer what would you recommend that's cheap
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Do you thi.k my lucky bamboo and mondo grass will live?

And if i do end up getting fertilizer what would you recommend that's cheap

I merged your 2 posts together. Please use the 'edit' button instead of posting back to back. ,

To answer your question, both lucky bamboo and mondo grass need to be above water to thrive long-term.

As for ferts, dry ferts are the cheapest, but for simplicity and ease you'd probably be best off just getting a bottle of flourish.

Also, I don't think that petsmart carries dwarf sag in those little plastic tissue culture packs, if they do, I've not seen it at my local store yet.
You might also check the sales area here or join The Planted Tank for free to check their Mart area. Any plant you can't buy on AA you can buy from a hobbyist on TPT and usually a lot cheaper and you can ask questions to see if it would work with your set up.

Crypts are one of my favorite types of plants.

Low Light/Low Tech is my method.
I do add DIY Root Caps every 4-6 months for my Crypts

I use Flourish 1x weekly after water change ( super easy ).

I have to do weekly maintenance anyway, so no big deal to throw in liquid Ferts. I'm running 4 small planted tanks now.
Well thats stinks i only had my lucky bamboo andy mondo grass for about 2 weeks but there still doing ok just hope they will live a little while longer. Idk if this helps them but i dont really have a background thing for my fishtank so my window puts sunlight in my fishtank. Do you think the plants like that?
I would get a background for the tank. Direct sunlight will play havoc with your temperature and may result in a lot of algae. The simplest background is blue on one side and black on the other. You can also get backgrounds with pictures. I've seen it on rolls in every chain pet store. If you don't get a background for the tank, then get some kind of window shade or blind to control the sunlight on your tank. Direct sunlight is not good.
You can use various materials for a background...poster board, construction paper, black plastic garbage bags, etc.

Dwarf sag are supposed to tolerate low light but the first batch I got grew so-so with a dual T5 normal output fixture (Coralife Aqualight). I upgraded to a Finnex FugeRay and they are doing much better. I got my latest batch of dwarf sag from Peabodys Paradise.
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