Whats this white fuzzy stuff?

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Oscar Lon

Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 21, 2011
Hmm!!! I'm not sure what this white fuzzy stuff is growing in my tank! Has anyone had this problem? I also am having trouble getting my ammonia levels down. My 65 gallon tank has been up for a month now and all of my levels are great but this!!! Anyone???
hmm, you are going to have to be a bit more specific. What are all your levels, if you are having trouble getting your ammonia down it doesnt sound like they are perfect.
What is the fuzzy white stuff on? Sometimes new driftwood gets an odd fuzz growth that will go away on its own in time. If it's fuzz on your substrate it could be from uneaten food? That might also explain the presence of ammonia.
It's on my air tubes and an artificial plant my Oscar also has some white cloudiness on his scales and eyes
I would guess some kind of algae, still hard to tell in the picture. it probably wouldnt be on your oscar though is it the same thing? maybe someone else will know what it is.
It could be hydra but I would have to see a really clear close up photo to tell. But, like tornadonick said, it wouldn't be on your oscar. Google hydra and see if that looks like it
Did you say your ammonia is at 1? And the nitrates are at 0?
is your tank cycled? Cause that ammonia level isnt good for your fish if I read that correctly.
+1 for Carey.

It really sounds like your tank isn't cycled.

With respect to your fuzz, is it definitely white or does it have a slight tint? Brown fuzz may be diatoms which is natural in a new tank and will eventually go away on it's own. There's another member (Daileen) that had a similar outbreak of greyish fuzz that was easily dealt with using a gravel vac. Neither one caused any problems.
You may be over feeding but don't worry. Also the white stuff is a organism which is fine. If u don't like it take the items out and scrub them.

No soap though
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