Where to order Bio-Spira online?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 11, 2004
Planet Earth
Anyone know where to order Bio-Spira online?

My searches of the forum turned up a guy in TN named Bernie, but his site says they are out of stock until the summer.

Any other alternatives?
Yup, we use Google over here, and already tried it. Mostly pulled up product reviews and forum messages. Already tried the Marineland site too, and they don't list any online retailers.

Don't need it right away, but was thinking it might be a good thing to have on hand when setting up QT tanks on the fly.
Hmmm, I typed in "order Bio Spira" and found many links. However, after clicking on a couple, I found out many companies are not able to sell it until late summer.

However, if it were just for a QT tank, I would not worry. I do not keep my 5 and 2.5 gal QT tanks running. Often, when treating ill fish, all the bacteria is killed off during treatment. When I need to use a QT tank, I fill it with water from the established tank the ill fish is from. I do water changes everyday using tank water--this keeps the ammonia and nitrites down without a filter.
Heh, what a difference one word makes. I simply tried "Bio Spira". :) Well, if it's backordered until summer, then so be it, as we've all gotten along fine w/o it in the past. :)
I was looking for bio spira as well, both locally in hawaii and on the net. the one place on the net that said they had some were actually sold out. all local stores are out as well and the net store and one of the local stores both told me that marineland is currently trying to culture the bacteria in large enough amounts to meet the demand. the both said around summer time will be the next 'harvest'.

heres the link to the online store i checked..

I bet you guys didn't know the owner of The Fish Store, Bernie, has a forum on this very site!
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