Which brackish plants will work with this set up?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 5, 2003
Greenwood, SC
Hey everyone, I have a 45G tall tank, and finally starting getting my pieces in and my canopy will be made tomorrow (wish my cool 80mm cc tube fan would come in!!) :roll: - But it also means I will have my main lighting to finally reach the level of low lighting plants... 1.4 watts. I have a sand substrate, and I am currently curing my two drift wood pieces, unfortunately i took semy vague pics of them and didn;t get close ups because they were then in the tub when I realized 8O - I was wondering if Java ferns will attach itself to the drift wood and how long it would take? Plus are they any other plants that grow semi tall and also withstand brackish conditions. Do I need to buy a liquid base fertilizer for these guys considering they will get none from the substrate? This tank will have 3 loaches as of this moment (its the plan anyway). Also I want a single centerpiece rock between the two drift wood pieces. Can anyone make a suggestion as to which would be best for a plant to attach to and that loaches would like? Thanks everyone!
You could tie the Java fern with black thread to the wood. Looks like the roots. Thats what I did. I like slate for a nice rock look, though its pretty flat.

Re: your light. I would seriously consider getting more. Check out AH Supply at http://www.ahsupply.com/36-55w.htm... They're kicking lights which are 162% brighter than Coralifes or Custom Sea Life's PCs at a great DIY price. Maybe 72 watts or 110 AH supply watts for your tank. They are absolutely the best out there (the secret is their superior reflector design and tube placement). And its a truly nice/small company that we at this forum should try to patronize.

Also, here is a post to me from Mollyluver re: brackish plants and there is alot more on this site if you search wide and far. Also, you might want to dose iron and potassium 3x per week and trace minerals 1x per week. Consider adding some CO2 like Seachem Excell every other day. It takes awhile to put all the pieces together but sure is fun when it starts working out...HTH

I have a brackish molly tank and I find that wisteria and anachris do very well. In fact, my husband has a 45 gal cichlid tank and we cut the plants back in my tank to put in his tank. Cichlids are murder on anachris. I have had luck with moneywort as well, but I find that it attracts hair algae. I have a couple small java ferns that have rooted well, but they don't get very big, just big enough for the fry to hide in. I use a couple drops of Floraboost about once a month. Hope that helps.

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