why my BF says i have "fish-ues"

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I spend more time with my fish than with him

I am trying to convince him to let me set a tank up in his house

I say good morning to my fishies when i turn their light on

When he asks if i want to go shopping, i ask if we can go to W. Melb Aquatics. His ex always wanted to go to Nordstroms.

I put fish/aquarium supplies in my budget

My carpet is more often wet than dry

I find new stuff for my fish at the grocery store

That took me a minute! I had to say it out loud before I got it. (It was a really long day.)

I know what you mean. My BF looks at me like I am nuts too. Especially when I am scoping a place for a new tank. :)

And the problem is?????


I exhibit a lot of that behavior too. Fortunately I am blessed with a g/f who has pretty much the same affliction. Except she 'lets' me fret over the water testing, dosing the ferts, even the PWCs. Of course perverse fellow that I am ........ I enjoy the scut work. LOL

Maybe post a pic of your b/f in the barter section? Trade him for a confirmed fishaholic? Hmmmmmmm. Is there a fishlovers dating site?? Maybe FishyFriendFinder.com??

It could be worse. Lots of bad habits out there we could pick up. Intead of this marvelous hobby. Now if We can just figure how to reinforce the floor in the loft so it will handle a 125 gal ............
Maybe post a pic of your b/f in the barter section?

OMG. Too funny!
Is there a fishlovers dating site?? Maybe FishyFriendFinder.com??

Not that I am aware of, but I'll bet if someone started one they would make a killing. Then guys could show up on dates with aquatic plants, instead of the ordinary boring bouquet of roses. hehe
OH MY GOSH! You and I do similar things (but i bet most in this hobby must do the same) I also say "good morning and good night to my fishys", and I look for fish stuff everywhere. AWESOME! Aquarium Nerds UNITE! :lol: :lol: :drain:
ROFL JeffreyL you had me in stitches !!

And my husband is VERY jealous of my fish, so in my opinion he's the one with the fish-use (which is HYSTERICAL ! nice phrase).

You forgot to add "watch the aquarium more I watch television with him" (what is it with guys ? why do they think that watching television in the same room is "sharing a moment" ???? LOL) and "spends HOURS on aquarium chores and AA almost every day but hasn't lifted a feather duster in weeks" ROFL
FP, I do the same things! And Jeffrey, you are crackin me up...lmao!

I need to go check out that petpeoplemeet.com and see if they have a fish section. I need to find me a man that understands my love for fish!
My first thought to reading the fish-ues was the same as JeffreyL's.
And the problem is...
Too funny you guys (and gals) actually went out and FOUND a "pet lovers dating service" . Hahahaha have to admit, it is a great idea. If I were single and looking, I'd probably check it out.

Joannde, try placing a tank next to the tv. We have the 30 gal cube right next to the darn thing. Looks very nice, except the tetras seem a bit skittish now that it is Shark Week on the Discovery Channel. Who knows, if the show is a bit boring ....... Be subtle and crafty, and you may infect him, I mean, convert him yet. :D And you might try getting a swiffer duster. Tell him it is a new high tech "small particulate remediation system". Invented in Swedon. By the Bikini Team in the off season.

Hey, we guys can be manipulated. :wink:
my husband thinks i am weird i go to the tank and turn the light on and say hi to my baby guppies and they come to the front of the tank its so cute
Those are so cool joannde. I've seen some before on other sites. They are expensive though...but how cool would you be with a fish tank coffee table or a desk!
"Hey, honey, I'm going to the store, need anything?"

"Yeah... a bag of sugar, a box of yeast, a zucchini, a bottle of fleet, a turkey baster, an oral dosing syringe, some of that polyester pillow stuffing, a coupla cheap plastic scrubbies, a bottle of ammonia, and some razor blades... yeah, that's it for the aquarium"
my wife bought me my tank for xmas last year. as you can imagine it was big enough for about 3 months. now when i go to fish shops i am always looking at bigger tanks. she doesn't mind me looking at other women, but when it comes to looking at other tanks. i wear my shades so she can't see me taking a sly peek.
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