Wife vs Colorado River Toad

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 27, 2011
I have had a Colorado River Toad for about 3 years now. I had searched for a very long time to find a healthy specimen for a reasonable price. He is in a 55g long half done desert & the other half done in moss/bark. My newest addiction is saltwater reef keeping. Well the wife says she is trying to compromise by making me shrink my reptile & amphibian collection. I'm trying to understand but he has now set her sights on the prize of my collections which is my Colorado River Toad a.k.a. Sonoran Desert Toad a.k.a. Bufo Alvarius. lol, for now I'm stalling & avoiding.


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Buy her something to pretty and take her out for an epic date night meanwhile promising that "this is it, no more critters". Honestly I've found my wife to be very good about my obsession with fish and critters, it's usually a case of "I want to buy this, what do you want?" then buy her what she wants. To buy my tiger fish I had to agree to get a cat. I didnt even have to buy the cat lol. Compromise my good man and everything will hopefully work out. If that fails explain how much your critters mean to you and that everyone needs a hobby. Good luck
haha great minds think a like, since I figure a couple grand is going into my new 125g reef tank I treated her & I bought her & I tickets this morning for a 7day cruise in the Bahamas. This should give me plenty of bargaining chips & mayB even some sweet corals. Best part is I'm pumped for it to 
Just go to Jared's. Every woman loves diamonds.

My boyfriend wants to get a green tree boa and I'm not a fan of snakes. So, he's going to have to buy me something big and shiny before I let him have it. Or another gecko...
TheCrazyFishLady said:
Just go to Jared's. Every woman loves diamonds.

My boyfriend wants to get a green tree boa and I'm not a fan of snakes. So, he's going to have to buy me something big and shiny before I let him have it. Or another gecko...

I have been told that if I ever want a snake, it has to have it's own locked room that it will never ever leave. My boyfriend is deathly afraid of snakes, and I have wanted a large boa since I was like 6. One day...
I had the same thing. My wife was dead set against me getting my 75 gallon tank for my Africans and then after talking and taking her to different LFS she took an interest in them and I let her pick a few out. Now she feeds them. Then I wanted a bio cube for the bedroom and she was like NOWAY!! Well... We talked again, of course I took her shopping ;)

We talked more and now I have a bio cube in the bedroom, it looks really nice in the corner and she loves it!! I don't even have anything in it except LR,LS and some snails and hermit. Also some hitchhikers. She's always staring at it.

You have to like others have said work together. Give a little take a little.
My boyfriend had never kept fish or really had any interest in them until I moved in with my angelfish tank. Once he noticed how they recognized me and had their own personalities he fell in love. When I lost them and got puffers, he really took an interest and even bought me a bigger tank for the living room so we could have them out where everyone could see them, and now he's in love with my redo of their old tank. While we don't have any more room for tanks now, he's already excited about tank plans for the future... I think he caught MTS without even having a tank of his own...
Oh, that's cute. Honestly, I got into reptiles by my boyfriend finally talking me into feeding his bearded dragon. Seeing her go all Godzilla on some crickets was so super neat. And now I have three geckos and making room for more. Maybe have your wife do some hands-on thing with the frog to renew her interest?
Well now she is only thinking of the Bahamas which is fast approaching so looks like my toad has a home for a bit longer.
Not to hijack the thread but I love the fish in your picture!!!! What is it?
I had the same thing. My wife was dead set against me getting my 75 gallon tank for my Africans and then after talking and taking her to different LFS she took an interest in them and I let her pick a few out. Now she feeds them. Then I wanted a bio cube for the bedroom and she was like NOWAY!! Well... We talked again, of course I took her shopping ;)

We talked more and now I have a bio cube in the bedroom, it looks really nice in the corner and she loves it!! I don't even have anything in it except LR,LS and some snails and hermit. Also some hitchhikers. She's always staring at it.

You have to like others have said work together. Give a little take a little.

yeah i tried the shopping and it work most of the times :D
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