Wigglers At Last!!!!!

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Interesting. So Goldie has spawned again. She's an interesting one. She's laying eggs, but doesn't seem to have paired off with anyone? And the other thing, she layed eggs on the front glass on one of the front corners. I never noticed it until I saw one of the other angels picking off some of the duds. I did notice alot of aggression earlier tonite.

Is any of this normal?
Interesting. So Goldie has spawned again. She's an interesting one. She's laying eggs, but doesn't seem to have paired off with anyone? And the other thing, she layed eggs on the front glass on one of the front corners. I never noticed it until I saw one of the other angels picking off some of the duds. I did notice alot of aggression earlier tonite.

Is any of this normal?

It's not totally unique for a female to spawn on her own. Don't forget, we've screwed around with the basic genetics of these fish to the point that anything is possible.

What I would do is put her and a proven male in a separate tank by themselves and see if he will fertilize the eggs. If he won't, you can put her back in with the others and if she insists on laying them on something you can't remove (to see if they were fertlized by another fish in the tank), your other fish will have a high protein snack about every 2 weeks ;)
That's the best my phone could take. There quite a lot of them. So they are in a 10g the filled 3/4 full. Still has blue in it and I'm thinking I should still do daily WC. How much of a WC should be done?

What kind of fish is that? Thats alot of babies! :O
Update: eggs have now turned into wrigglers! Got maybe 75% this time which I'm happy about unlike the 2 I got from the last batch lol


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Can I assume that either the slate was moved away from the HOB outflow or that the HOB was removed and replaced with a sponge filter?

Tank was stripped to just sand and a new sponge filter like you or bob said, new bigger piece of slate
Tank was stripped to just sand and a new sponge filter like you or bob said, new bigger piece of slate

See how breeding is so different from keeping the fish as pets? Just removing the HOB yielded you better results. If everyone did that, they'd have better results too.

Next time, I'd suggest losing the sand too. Fish fry need very clean water and sand and/or gravel is just a breeding ground for decaying food and "poop" to make a mess out of the tank. Once you get your sponge filter established, there is no need for gravel or sand. The filter does the same thing (and is easier to clean ;)) Good luck with this batch (y)
Yeah sands going in a few weeks after the filter is established, one very good thing to come out of all this is more tanks lol wife doesn't no there not all going to be used for angel fish lol
I wanted to say that I just read through this thread back to front and loved it! Seeing everyone's frustration at times but then all the little babies too is amazing! My aunt was an angelfish breeder in Michigan and was known for her quality because she always sold amazing fish and so it's good to see other people carrying it on!! I love it! Whenever I have room I'll definitely think about going into angel breeding! ;)
ty katie . comments like that are what keeps me going

I agree with Bob. Thanks

Update. Both pairs have laid eggs the last couple of days. Since I've no space left I've been letting the parents raise the brood. My silvers are natural parents. In fact they raised two broods at the same time. Of course the first brood was only about 30 fry. Man they are beautiful! Now I came home today and noted that the majority of the eggs are white. The eggs for koi angels have been white the last couple of times as well. I'm concerned that something in the water is different. I'll be keeping a close eye on that.
I agree with Bob. Thanks

Update. Both pairs have laid eggs the last couple of days. Since I've no space left I've been letting the parents raise the brood. My silvers are natural parents. In fact they raised two broods at the same time. Of course the first brood was only about 30 fry. Man they are beautiful! Now I came home today and noted that the majority of the eggs are white. The eggs for koi angels have been white the last couple of times as well. I'm concerned that something in the water is different. I'll be keeping a close eye on that.

Check and make sure the water parameters have not changed from the successful times. If necessary, use a bottled water for water changes to change the water back to it's better state then see what the results are.
Check and make sure the water parameters have not changed from the successful times. If necessary, use a bottled water for water changes to change the water back to it's better state then see what the results are.

In terms of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph those have not changed. Still doing weekly water changes of 30%. I don't have a test kit for hardness so that's what I'm wondering may have changed because I've even notched a difference in the hatch rate on my brine shrimp. I've got a wide variety of fry going at the moment. Platys, guppys, swordtails, convict cichlid, long finned cherry barbs and two varieties of angels and with the decrease of brine shrimp I have to spread it thinner or increase the amount of eggs
In terms of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph those have not changed. Still doing weekly water changes of 30%. I don't have a test kit for hardness so that's what I'm wondering may have changed because I've even notched a difference in the hatch rate on my brine shrimp. I've got a wide variety of fry going at the moment. Platys, guppys, swordtails, convict cichlid, long finned cherry barbs and two varieties of angels and with the decrease of brine shrimp I have to spread it thinner or increase the amount of eggs

You can also call your water company and ask if they have changed what they are adding to the water within the past 6 months. This might be a new chemical that is not killing the fish but making them less fertile. I'd use the bottled water test for the BS and see if that makes a difference. if it does, there is something new in your tap water. If it doesn't, your eggs may not be good anymore ( got to moist maybe? ) We had that happen once in my area in FL many years ago only it killed a lot of fish. After that, we all bombarded the water company with complaints so the water company sent a notice to all the pet shops about what changes were coming so to be prepared.
Welcome to the fish biz :banghead:
Update: I have free swimmers YAY!! Lol also is it ok to still do my 30% wc?


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