Wigglers At Last!!!!!

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Andy, I'm eager to see what you have cooking up there!

he is putting together his angel fish brothel lol

Here's my thinking:
If I get them to start spawning, maybe they will start producing wigglers by the time they either get moved or get their new building. I'm just tired of eggs with no wigglers. You guys shouldn't be the only ones with fry! I'm missing the fun! :D :lol:

There is a possibility that the Koi Veils have been spawning but the tank was so green, I wasn't ever able to verify. There were 2 fish ( likely males) that were always in view on one side of the tank but the other 3 ( Scardy Koi and the Pair I set up alone) have been hidden on the other side of the tank behind all the plants but near a potential spawning site. But who knows? I'll have to wire in some Frank Sinatra to the breeding area :whistle:
Well my new angels ate the first spawn eggs. I will see what happens next time. I'm really hoping they will want to raise their babies. With the angels being in a new environment maybe they just didn't feel comfortable enough.
Well my new angels ate the first spawn eggs. I will see what happens next time. I'm really hoping they will want to raise their babies. With the angels being in a new environment maybe they just didn't feel comfortable enough.

I'm in the same boat. My new pair did the same. The majority of the eggs turned white so I'm more concerned about infertile ones at this time. My koi angel took 8 spawns before getting the rearing right. My silvers got it right from the start though the third spawn they ate the eggs. Those were turning white as well so I the male wasn't paying attention and after the eggs were gone she beat the crap out of him.
I'm in the same boat. My new pair did the same. The majority of the eggs turned white so I'm more concerned about infertile ones at this time. My koi angel took 8 spawns before getting the rearing right. My silvers got it right from the start though the third spawn they ate the eggs. Those were turning white as well so I the male wasn't paying attention and after the eggs were gone she beat the crap out of him.

Yeah it's frustrating but maybe they just need to get used to their new surroundings. I think next time my pair spawns I will cover the tank with a sheet or something. Maybe that will make them more comfortable. That's funny that she beet the cheap out of her mate for not doing his job. Lol. I hope she didn't do to much damage to him. I bet next time he will pay more attention to what he is suppose to do. Good luck!
Yeah it's frustrating but maybe they just need to get used to their new surroundings. I think next time my pair spawns I will cover the tank with a sheet or something. Maybe that will make them more comfortable. That's funny that she beet the cheap out of her mate for not doing his job. Lol. I hope she didn't do to much damage to him. I bet next time he will pay more attention to what he is suppose to do. Good luck!

I'd just try to reduce or eliminate any distractions from the pair. Put something between the tanks so the fish can't see their neighbors. Lower the lighting ( on the tank and in the room) to keep them from getting overexcited. ( I've done everything from putting the fish above eye level to hooking up a mirror system so that I could watch without disturbing the fish. )Most of all, give them some peace and quiet while they are spawning.
The downside of putting a sheet over the tank is that it could make the tank too dark and cause the fish to sleep instead of spawn. :blink:
Yeah it's frustrating but maybe they just need to get used to their new surroundings. I think next time my pair spawns I will cover the tank with a sheet or something. Maybe that will make them more comfortable. That's funny that she beet the cheap out of her mate for not doing his job. Lol. I hope she didn't do to much damage to him. I bet next time he will pay more attention to what he is suppose to do. Good luck!

That was my silver female that beat the crap out of the silver male and it happened many months and spawns ago. Their latest spawn are now wigglers and they move the wigglers almost daily. Very good parents. I'm not really to concerned about my blacks yet. Like you said once they get settled in things probably will change.
What are your favorite commercially available foods for a adult staple diet? Mine were enjoying my Hikari Gold Betta food but I ran out last week, time to get something new, I will be doing an amazon order this week.

They get lots of other misc foods throughout the week, just looking for ideas for staple diet.
i got a great deal at the lfs today. A pair of adult white pearlscale breeders. 30 for the pair. they are strange looking cause they have a large dominate hump on there head. i will have pics soon
What are your favorite commercially available foods for a adult staple diet? Mine were enjoying my Hikari Gold Betta food but I ran out last week, time to get something new, I will be doing an amazon order this week.

They get lots of other misc foods throughout the week, just looking for ideas for staple diet.

My standard diet for my Angels is Flake ( currently using Omega One flake), Tubifex worms ( currently using Omega One Freeze dried tubifex) and frozen brine shrimp (1 type per feeding @ 3 meals a day). That's what I would call a staple diet. The flakes have an abundance of protein and veggie foods, the worms are high protein and the brine is pure roughage to keep them regular on the poo train. :brows: Anything else you feel you need to feed can be considered extras. I don't do "extras" :huh:

That's been my regime for every hatchery I've had and all the fish at home.

Hope this helps (y)
thats the pic the guy sent me before i got them he had them for almost 3 yrs and got good large hatch rate from them every 13 days.
I want to do this and I found a 55 gallon w/ stand, filters, etc for 100$ on craigslist. But, I've looked and the only fish stores near me are petsmart and petco, which ive heard cannot/will not buy fish from people. Well, I guess I'll just keep them for fun :p. And thanks for everyone posting in this thread, I've read about 40 pages into it so far. I'll eventually finish it, but so far it's been really informative!

EDIT: Page 100... 2/3 way through! :p
Welcome golfer you will learn a lot here in this thread. ask any questioun any time and we can assist u. we can always use another good breederto improve on our beautiful angel fish and others as well
Welcome golfer you will learn a lot here in this thread. ask any questioun any time and we can assist u. we can always use another good breederto improve on our beautiful angel fish and others as well
Thanks, I've learned a ton by reading though all 146 pages (geez that took forever) so now I know a little bit... It could be a little while before I can get started, but i want to make sure i do it right when i do.
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