Worth getting PetCo? Root tabs, Ferts?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 7, 2010
Well I was at my LFS and saw these following products..




Any of these products worth getting? I know people talk about root tabs, and ferts, but is this what they are talking about?
I prefer the seachem root tabs... dry ferts are cheaper, you can order enough to last you probably forever for not much more than the $8.99 price tag on those which are just dry ferts mixed with water lol
I prefer the seachem root tabs... dry ferts are cheaper, you can order enough to last you probably forever for not much more than the $8.99 price tag on those which are just dry ferts mixed with water lol

Ah ok thanks, well I was looking into it because I want to heavily plant my tank.. and to be honest, I really dont know that much, Right now I have a moss ball, java fern, and I think a sword in there.. and thats it..

There is my most updated tank, all I know is the java fern, and the moss I dont know what the other two are.
Save your money for now (or better yet, get more plants :)). The fish will supply everything that is needed for those plants.
Save your money for now (or better yet, get more plants :)). The fish will supply everything that is needed for those plants.

Any advice on what plants I should go for that dont require ferts, great lighting, and root tabs?
Java fern, java moss, anubias, crypts, water sprite, anacharis, floaters, etc. You actually have a ton of choices.
Thanks guys know any good places to buy a bunch of plants at a relatively nice price.. like maybe package deal? like say 30-40 plants for like 50-60 bucks?
You don't have room for 30-40 plants. lol

For $20, we'll send you a large water sprite, a ton of salvina & frogbit, and a couple random crypts. PM me if interested, but you should be able to find at least as good of a deal locally if you hook up with an aquarium club.
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