Would these fish get along?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 24, 2005

I have a 55g tank with bog wood, rock and plenty of weed/plants. I have some small/medium fish such as mollies, penguins etc.
At the moment i have 2 large gouramis (very gentle) and a siamese fighter. I want to get a couple of firemouths and maybe a red tailed shark.

Would these 4 different fish get along? Not worried about the smaller fish as i can easily find new homes for them.

Many thanks for any help/advice

OK, the betta/mollies/penguins would be lunch before long....now what species of gourami and how big is 'large'? The firemouths, especially if a pair, will be your biggest concern....the shark, providing he is large enough to not be picked on, should do fine with the FMs and gouramis.
nonne of my other fish are really a problem as can easily re-home them. My gourami's are either blue or three spot (cant tell which) and are 4-5" long
I usspect that your gouramis will likely be fine, but watch those firemouths as they mature...they are generally peaceful, but they are larger (5"-7") fish, so the chance to be a bit bullyish is there.
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