Ziggy's Corner Planter

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Very nice tank Ziggy! I like it a lot :)

Quick question: how long did it take for your baby tears to carpet??? The LFS has some here but I'm a bit skeptical on the plant as I've heard not enough light it would grow vertical.
It has done what you see in about 3 months. I bought 2 pots of them to start with and broke them up when I planted. Within a week I could see marked growth and now they are growing like crazy. The vertical shoots you see in my pics are from the angels I just got rid of. They would pluck at it and pull it up searching for food that settled into the plants.
Those are lillypads right? I have seen those stringy things when I go fishing. Could it be a stamen from a lilypad? IDK just a thought.

I like your tank, thanks for sharing.
Those are lillypads right? I have seen those stringy things when I go fishing. Could it be a stamen from a lilypad? IDK just a thought.

I like your tank, thanks for sharing.

They are a type of lilypad I guess...the stringy thing is coming from the corkscrew vals not the pads...

Ziggy953 said:
They are a type of lilypad I guess...the stringy thing is coming from the corkscrew vals not the pads...


Oh. You're welcome. No idea then...
The vertical shoots you see in my pics are from the angels I just got rid of. They would pluck at it and pull it up searching for food that settled into the plants.

Glad to know my angels aren't the only ones who like to pick at foreground plants. My chainsword is a mess in my 50 gal from my angels fussing at it all of the time.

This tank just keeps looking better and better! Very nice! :)
Glad to know my angels aren't the only ones who like to pick at foreground plants. My chainsword is a mess in my 50 gal from my angels fussing at it all of the time.

This tank just keeps looking better and better! Very nice! :)

HAHA!! yeah they seem to like messing with everything in the tank. I took care of that today though!

Thanks, the tank does look pretty good in those pics...I wish it looked as good in person!

Coleallensmom said:
Glad to know my angels aren't the only ones who like to pick at foreground plants. My chainsword is a mess in my 50 gal from my angels fussing at it all of the time.

This tank just keeps looking better and better! Very nice! :)

May be a dumb question for both of you that had problems with angels eating plants but... Are you feeding them enough?

They are slow eaters and sometimes have trouble getting flakes off the surface. Mine has never touched any of my plants in the years I've had her.
May be a dumb question for both of you that had problems with angels eating plants but... Are you feeding them enough?

They are slow eaters and sometimes have trouble getting flakes off the surface. Mine has never touched any of my plants in the years I've had her.

It's not that they were eating the plants. They were rooting around in my HC and uprooting it picking out the food that settled. They would actually eat right from my hand so they were eating plenty for sure. They had to go because they were being nasty with my other fish/
So I haven't posted an update in quite a while...lots going on in my world but life is settling back down.

The tank is doing well...I'm sure you all really don't want to read a lot so I will let the pics talk for themselves....








What do you guys think?
No complaints so far. It is doing the job. I don't mess with it much. The tank is pretty stable at this point and I just make sure to scoop out any leaves that come loose and trim the plants as needed. Obvious water changes and normal stuff but aside from that I don't do a lot to the tank.
Love the tank but I think the blue background don't look right black wood be much better imo
I've done blue and black before..blue has a very different look...as it stands blue is what it is for now. Not gonna scrape the paint off to change it at this point.

The only reason you can see it now is because I cut the plants way back...
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