55 Gallon Freshwater Tank

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55 Gallon Tank Video

Ok, ok, people! Settle down! Here it is... finally!!! :D

I had a little fun w/ my editing program on my Mac. In other words, I was just goofing around w/ the features to make it, eh, more interesting. Tee Hee!

There's a part in the video where my ADF, Sam, was going to hop on my Pleco, Tony. And, well, it didn't work out so well. :lol:


Edit: Can't embed for some reason! Grrrrrr!! So... click here.
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McLumpy said:
Ok, ok, people! Settle down! Here it is... finally!!! :D

I had a little fun w/ my editing program on my Mac. In other words, I was just goofing around w/ the features to make it, eh, more interesting. Tee Hee!

There's a part in the video where my ADF, Sam, was going to hop on my Pleco, Tony. And, well, it didn't work out so well. :lol:


Thanks McLumpy !!! Great video. Your fish look happy and the tank is great balanced between fish, real plant, ornaments, background....
On top is funny !!!!

Congrats and thanks for sharing
girl, it's beautiful...great job...and i LOVE the first song...so soothing!

Thanks! I'm such an amateur when it comes to making vids. :ROFLMAO: But it was fun to mess w/ the editing. The into song was from one of my favorite movies, "The Last of the Mohicans". It's "Irish Riverdance" by Yanni. ;) I thought about using a song by Enigma, but it's tough to find one that doesn't sound too erotic. lol The filler songs were just stock clips that came w/ iMovies.

Sadly, my Clown Loach, Dwarf Gourami, RT Shark, and Gold Dust Molly were being lazy so you didn't get to see how they interact. I think the next video I take will be right before I feed them... that's when they're all swimming around, (obviously... THEY WANT FOOD!!!). lol

Anway, glad you liked it! :D Did you see how much the Cabomba has grown?! :D
Thanks McLumpy !!! Great video. Your fish look happy and the tank is great balanced between fish, real plant, ornaments, background....
On top is funny !!!!

Congrats and thanks for sharing

Thanks! :D They're definitely a hoot to watch, (as you saw). lol It was a shame that Sam didn't get on top of Tony, but it was funny seeing Tony clobber him. lol I was laughing so hard when I shot that part, (as you saw the camera drop a little). I also had my toddler right next to me and he was pulling on my arm... that didn't help. lol

Glad you liked the video! Maybe once I get the editing down, I'll post another one. We'll see. :D
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Great video, But I mentioned the mirror so that your betta will flare and look AMAZING!!! Im getting one this weekend shall upload a picture in a thread :)
McLumpy said:
Glad you liked the video! Maybe once I get the editing down, I'll post another one. We'll see. :D

Video editing gets easier every time you do it. It's a great way show whats going on in your tank. Keep up the good work!
I appreciate the kind words, guys! Thank you!

Very cool video! Thanks for sharing! "these guys" cracked me up.

Yeah, "These Guys" was a last minute edit. I didn't know what to call them. :ROFLMAO:

Great video, But I mentioned the mirror so that your betta will flare and look AMAZING!!! Im getting one this weekend shall upload a picture in a thread :)

Ok, so... use mirror, anger Betta, make him flare for the camera. Gotcha! ;) lol Congrats on getting a Betta! I can't wait to see the pics!

Very nice McLumpy! I love the setup and stocking. Plans of moving up to feature films? ;)

Feature films? lol Highly unlikely. Eh, unless I'm in front of the camera. ;) Star of a zombie action flick ftw!! (y) That would be so cool! lol

Video editing gets easier every time you do it. It's a great way show whats going on in your tank. Keep up the good work!

I'm sure I'll get plenty of practice and will post more videos. I've used the program, (iMovie), plenty of times before, but it's been awhile. It's kind of like riding a bike. :D
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Thanks! I'm such an amateur when it comes to making vids. :ROFLMAO: But it was fun to mess w/ the editing. The into song was from one of my favorite movies, "The Last of the Mohicans". It's "Irish Riverdance" by Yanni. ;) I thought about using a song by Enigma, but it's tough to find one that doesn't sound too erotic. lol The filler songs were just stock clips that came w/ iMovies.

Sadly, my Clown Loach, Dwarf Gourami, RT Shark, and Gold Dust Molly were being lazy so you didn't get to see how they interact. I think the next video I take will be right before I feed them... that's when they're all swimming around, (obviously... THEY WANT FOOD!!!). lol

Anway, glad you liked it! :D Did you see how much the Cabomba has grown?! :D

I knew I heard that song before. I love any song from Yanni. I LOVE that man. I have most of his records. Anyway, you did a very good job. I added you as a friend in Youtube. :)

Yes, next time, wait till they are hungry. :) That's the secret. but they were still very fun to watch. And like the "these guys" part, that was hilarious. I was waiting for another phrase but none. LOL.

And oh, yeah, the cabomba is growing like a weed. Great job. Have they run yet? Or just kept on growing tall?
I knew I heard that song before. I love any song from Yanni. I LOVE that man. I have most of his records. Anyway, you did a very good job. I added you as a friend in Youtube. :)

Yes, next time, wait till they are hungry. :) That's the secret. but they were still very fun to watch. And like the "these guys" part, that was hilarious. I was waiting for another phrase but none. LOL.

And oh, yeah, the cabomba is growing like a weed. Great job. Have they run yet? Or just kept on growing tall?

Yanni ftw!! :D

Thanks again for the compliment! I'm planning to include more "phrases" in my next video, so... watch out! :ROFLMAO:

I don't have any runners on my Cabomba, they're just growing straight up. The one stem you sent me is 3/4 of the way to the top of my tank and I plan on trimming it this weekend. I would really like them to get thick first, then I'll just let them grow. ;)
Yep, Yanni is my man!

Ohhh....i am definitely watching...can't wait...

I don't know really if they run, but there was this one cabomba in my 4.4G that looked like it run but most of my other cabombas in my other tanks just grows up too then I trimmed and replant.
Male Dalmation Molly Died Mysteriously Today

So... I found my male Dalmation Molly, Fabio, deceased on the gravel near the rear-right corner of my tank this morning. :( I'm at a loss as to what happened!! He appeared healthy and then BAM, he was gone!

To make a long story short, (eh, hopefully)...

My female Gold Dust Molly, Mimi, began acting lethargic a week or so ago. Then, yesterday, I got a good look at her and she had some scales missing and looked bloated. The first thing that popped in my head was that it could be dropsy. However, her scales, (the ones that are remaining), didn't look like they were sticking out.

Anyway, I knew I needed to act fast, so I placed her in my breeder box yesterday afternoon and fed her shelled peas, (which she gobbled up w/o hesitation). Some of the peas did fall out of the box and a few of my fish enjoyed the snack, but that wouldn't hurt anything.

I decided to also start a Melafix/Pimafix treatment to help w/ her scale issue. During her stay in the breeder box, Fabio kept swimming close to the box. Before lights-out, I decided to let her out and she began swimming around and acting somewhat 'normal' again.

Then, this morning, I found Fabio deceased. :( He was just fine last night and showed no signs of illness, so I'm at a loss as to what would cause his sudden death! :confused:

I increased the aeration in the tank when I added the Melafix/Pimafix and none of the fish were gasping. I also tested the water after finding Fabio... Ammonia-0, Nitrite-0, Nitrates-40, pH-7.6

The only other thing that I did differently was I added a few plants and snails from my 10g yesterday morning. My Clown Loaches enjoyed their snail-snacks, so there were a few shells around the tank. Is it possible that he ate a shell and it got lodged? I looked him over after I got him out of the tank and he didn't look bloated or injured in any way.

I don't think that he died due to age, (he was young when I got him not too long ago). I did, however, notice that his white spots started fading away, (which I thought was really odd), and he didn't seem to be growing much, (if at all). If he was sick w/ anything, I would think that I would have had some warning, but I didn't.

Btw, I considered posting this in the "Unhealthy Fish" section, but I like to keep that area open for urgent posts. That, and I didn't figure I would get much input due to this being a mysterious passing.

So, yeah, I guess w/ no males in the tank now, I'm giving up on trying to breed Mollies. :( Mimi, (the sick one), is one of my originals and has only given birth once, (as far as I know). The only fry that made it from that batch was Mini Mimi. Both appeared to look pregnant over the past few months, but no fry were ever seen in the tank.

RIP Fabio :(
Grrrrr! Sorry to hear about him :-(
Also no idea what could happened, nitrates are a little high, but nothing out of the ordinary.
I lost a Julii Cory, sometime ago, the same way, was well and healthy and Baaaam!, One day he just died :-(
Don't know what t tell you my friend, just keep I up....
Grrrrr! Sorry to hear about him :-(
Also no idea what could happened, nitrates are a little high, but nothing out of the ordinary.
I lost a Julii Cory, sometime ago, the same way, was well and healthy and Baaaam!, One day he just died :-(
Don't know what t tell you my friend, just keep I up....

Thanks! The Nitrates have always been around 40, (with the exception of the 160 reading it had when I joined AA).

I did forget to mention that I added my Silver Tip Tetras and Harlequin Rasboras to the tank recently. But, honestly, I doubt that had anything to w/ his death.

Sorry about your Cory. :( You can certainly relate with how frustrating it is to lose a fish out of the blue. I mean, I figured that I would wake up to find my sick Molly dead, but not him! Ugh!!
I am so sorry to hear that dear :-(...I cannot tell why he died from your background story either though...I am so sorry. RIP Fabio....:-(
I am so sorry to hear that dear :-(...I cannot tell why he died from your background story either though...I am so sorry. RIP Fabio....:-(

Thank you for the kind words, Daileene! He was such a cool looking fish and I was really hoping to get some nice looking fry. /sigh

Mimi doesn't appear to be coming out of her funk either. She spends the majority of her time resting on the bottom of the tank or occasionally in the plants. It doesn't look good. :(
McLumpy said:
Thank you for the kind words, Daileene! He was such a cool looking fish and I was really hoping to get some nice looking fry. /sigh

Mimi doesn't appear to be coming out of her funk either. She spends the majority of her time resting on the bottom of the tank or occasionally in the plants. It doesn't look good. :(

That's strange, if the water quality is good, as you already confirmed, maybe is a little stressed, maybe a bully around him? Or a hyperactive fish?

Keep an eye

Better both eyes! -:)
That's strange, if the water quality is good, as you already confirmed, maybe is a little stressed, maybe a bully around him? Or a hyperactive fish?

Keep an eye

Better both eyes! -:)

I considered that, but the only bully I have in the tank is my RT Shark and he only bullies my DG. No worries though, my DG is one tough dude and chases my shark when he has had enough of his :taped:! lol

Stress more than likely has something to do w/ it. I noticed earlier that she has, (what looks like), fungus on her tail fin. :( She was resting on the gravel when I got home from work and didn't swim up for food. So, I decided to place her back in the breeder tank and feed her more shelled peas. Again, she gobbled them right up!

I decided to keep her in there overnight, (and possibly the next few days), so I can keep an eye, (or 2 eyes lol), on her. ;) She looks very comfortable in there and has enough room to move around, so I don't fear that she'll get stressed. I just hope that the Melafix/Pimafix will help clear up her scales and the fungus on her tail.

What really sucks is I just got my Excel in from Big Al's and wanted to start dosing. I'm just a bit nervous to add it to the tank w/ her being sick and having all of the Melafix/Pimafix in the tank.
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