10 Gal Remodel

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I've been battling all of the pleco poop. Trust me it is a lot if waste for a 20 gallon. It seems as if the two platys I have produce a ton of waste too

I have 4 platies and a DG in my 20 and find it pretty fine haha! I dont know I might just use some shrimp!
I returned my pleco yesterday and I am amazed to find no poop on the sand since. He was a pooping machine! Maybe my platys aren't so messy after all. I think it was just that pleco. So glad I found this site. I have learned so much about my fish!
I returned my pleco yesterday and I am amazed to find no poop on the sand since. He was a pooping machine! Maybe my platys aren't so messy after all. I think it was just that pleco. So glad I found this site. I have learned so much about my fish!
sorry you had to return him! but yeah i agree, my girlfriend makes fun of me cause im so addicted to this site!!
Don't you just love when your plant is nice and green, then you look closely and it's covered in snail sacs. Gah! I normally take them off. Don't need more snails.
Lucky, I see baby snails all over my floating plants, and its too dense for me to go through without ripping up my plant
have you tried assasin snails? if you do id get more than 4 or 5 per tank, i had 1 or 2 in my 20 and my ramshorns killed and ate them, like WHAT
I put 2 assassins in my tank. Got the infestation right down. And low and behold today I found a baby assassin. I'm just wondering whether they will kill it though :(

Can't beat assassins for snail infestation. Although I had lots if empty snail shells on my gravel. Doesn't look great.
have you tried assasin snails? if you do id get more than 4 or 5 per tank, i had 1 or 2 in my 20 and my ramshorns killed and ate them, like WHAT

So much for being assassins. Lol just kidding… wish I could get a group of assassin snails. But since I live in hawai'i, it is illegal to import them=(
I put 2 assassins in my tank. Got the infestation right down. And low and behold today I found a baby assassin. I'm just wondering whether they will kill it though :(

Can't beat assassins for snail infestation. Although I had lots if empty snail shells on my gravel. Doesn't look great.

Oh cool, congrats on the baby assassin. Born killer hehe. I had a hydra out burst and ended up killing some of my snails. Now to get rid of the hydra, it's gonna be a pain.
Just a small update

The betta and platy are good friends, after the betta tried to flare at him for a long while (suprised me, how big alfred could flare up).

The platy kinda was just confused the whole time..

Anyways everyones doing good, just recently did a water change, the anubias roots seem to have grown, and the tank is doing good!

So there are no longer fry in the 10 gallon, I moved them to the 20, which also has brand new fry now :banghead: But I plan on getting a GBR to solve that problem. Anyways about the 10, nothing really has changed to drastically, the new leaf on the anubias has some holes in it? But I'm not to concerned! I will post pictures after class (about 3-6 pictures) and if you guys want some of the 20, then tell me and I'll upload another 3-6 for it!:fish1:
have you tried assasin snails? if you do id get more than 4 or 5 per tank, i had 1 or 2 in my 20 and my ramshorns killed and ate them, like WHAT

Ramshorns aren't capable of this. I'd imagine your assassins died and then were partially consumed by the Ramshorns.
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