20Long planted build

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out of all the bettas I've owned, only one is a jumper. when i feed him he will jump about 1.5 inches to my hand to grab the food its so cool. most of the time he misses but i still love it
out of all the bettas I've owned, only one is a jumper. when i feed him he will jump about 1.5 inches to my hand to grab the food its so cool. most of the time he misses but i still love it

I heard mine hit the floor and then my wife said whats that? I looked and saw but was like who knows and then I looked closer and realized it was my betta!
I've only had one jump. I've had males and females, and I feel like males are more of the jumpers. The females I have had seem content to stay put... :lol: hope your little guy is alright.
Yes perfect timing! He is good! I think he is a thrill seeker!

Are you kidding me!?

What are the chances that this happens to both of us within 24 hours of each other? :eek:. That's pretty beyond belief.

& also, what are the chances that both fish survive? Both mine & yours? That's so crazy. My mind has been blown away today on many occasions.
Are you kidding me!?

What are the chances that this happens to both of us within 24 hours of each other? :eek:. That's pretty beyond belief.

& also, what are the chances that both fish survive? Both mine & yours? That's so crazy. My mind has been blown away today on many occasions.

We 2 are too much in common. Are you following me? Haha
We 2 are too much in common. Are you following me? Haha

Haha. I love it. I haven't gotten the chance to tell my "Oscar life saving" story today. So I told my father right now, & then I mentioned your fish jumping out as well. He told me "it's those feel good stories that make pet keeping worth doing". & that was so true.

I'm happy your Betta & my Oscar lived :).
Haha. I love it. I haven't gotten the chance to tell my "Oscar life saving" story today. So I told my father right now, & then I mentioned your fish jumping out as well. He told me "it's those feel good stories that make pet keeping worth doing". & that was so true.

I'm happy your Betta & my Oscar lived :).

Yeah no kidding! Im glad they arw okay. Im seeing amazing growth on my amazon sword too!
Yeah no kidding! Im glad they arw okay. Im seeing amazing growth on my amazon sword too!

Goooood deal. I haven't seen much to any growth on my plants. I'm positive my lighting is sufficient. Perhaps give it more time. I love this shrimp tank though. These little guys are so entertaining to watch! :)
Goooood deal. I haven't seen much to any growth on my plants. I'm positive my lighting is sufficient. Perhaps give it more time. I love this shrimp tank though. These little guys are so entertaining to watch! :)

Yes they definitely are! Here is my sword

Day 1

Day today (not sure how many days)
Dang! That is a lot of growth. That plants filling out nicely :). I can't wait to get some of those for my 46! I

Yeah I love them. Its my favorite plant. I wish I could get my hands on some more plants but its hard here. I also added 4 bigish giant hairgrass clippings to it so that'll make 6 if they all grow
Yeah I love them. Its my favorite plant. I wish I could get my hands on some more plants but its hard here. I also added 4 bigish giant hairgrass clippings to it so that'll make 6 if they all grow

I love that tank! I just looked at it again, I really want a 20L. They just look so badass.

I also like how you mixed soil & sand. I've seen that a few times but your tank looks so clean still. I'm excited to see it when all the plants get going.
I love that tank! I just looked at it again, I really want a 20L. They just look so badass.

I also like how you mixed soil & sand. I've seen that a few times but your tank looks so clean still. I'm excited to see it when all the plants get going.
Yeah I had to do a water change today, tannins were leeching pretty bad. But yes its pretty cool how much the soil helps grow the plants. Im gonna move this tank tomorrow as well to my room so I can add a clip on light with a 6500k bulb for better growth. Im gonna be using a reptile clip on for it because the inside is white and its a great reflector! I should be reaching fairly high light then. Then I need some ferts and root tabs and definitely more plants. You can still get one! They are on sale still

Edit. I would add the clip on where it sits but, its under the cabinets in the kitchen so there isnt any clearance. Im surprised my T8 fit
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