5 Gallon FW Build/Journey Thread

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ohh okay Jim. So should I just wait until something change? I normally checked the levels everyday. What should I be looking for?
For a fishless cycle, leave the ammonia levels around 3-4ppm. Test for ammonia and nitrite until you see the ammonia levels dropping regularly and a big nitrite spike. It's possible to miss the nitrite spike, so if you see the ammonia dropping and no nitrites, check for nitrates.
I had the ammonia levels going from 1 to 2 then 1 then 2ppm then yesterday and today, it went up to 4ppm. The nitrite on the other hand, went all the way up to 5ppm already and continuously decreasing normally without a glitch. and the lowest level since it spikes was today, 0.25ppm. So I was confuse. Coz I thought the ammonia should be decresing way before the nitrites does. And since I was curious, I decided I wanted to check the nitrates and it reads 5ppm. So, that's why I was thinking of the PWC. Thought it might help any stall, if there was any in the ammonia's side.
regarding your fish choice, I don't see why you couldn't put one betta with a pleco and neon tetras. My friends at the fish store told me that they can be a community fish as long as they are the only betta. I was going to put one in my 5 gal tank too (once it's done cycling). I also was thinking of neons as well :) but plecos can get big...if you're looking to keep down on algae maybe you should get a snail. Good luck!
regarding your fish choice, I don't see why you couldn't put one betta with a pleco and neon tetras. My friends at the fish store told me that they can be a community fish as long as they are the only betta. I was going to put one in my 5 gal tank too (once it's done cycling). I also was thinking of neons as well :) but plecos can get big...if you're looking to keep down on algae maybe you should get a snail. Good luck!

Hi, thank you for the suggestion. I changed my mind with the betta here since so many advices I get go against having a betta with tankmates in a 5G. There is not just enough room for all of them. Although, I am going to still get a betta, but this time, I will put them in my 10G.
If I read it right, you're using flakes as your ammonia source? It's hard to control the ammonia levels with flakes. The flakes will rot and continue to provide ammonia for a while after they've been added. If you went a bit overboard with the flakes, you could have a continuous source of ammonia for a bit.

If you switched to the pure ammonia method, I'd recommend a good cleaning of the tank to remove any rotting food.
yes, i did use flake food. but i havent been putting some since it hit beyond 8ppm last 2/23/2011 and i did a 50% pwc, then it went down to 2ppm. It went up to 4ppm on 3/1/2011. Fort said that I can put flakes again if they will go down to 1-2ppm. But it never really stayed 1-2ppm very long. It always goes back up to 4ppm. Which is weird coz the last time I put flakes was 2/20/2011. Is it possible that there is still a continuous source of ammonia until now? I do have some plants in this tank. I know they said it will help the cycle, but I am not too sure with my tank now.
yes, i did use flake food. but i havent been putting some since it hit beyond 8ppm last 2/23/2011 and i did a 50% pwc, then it went down to 2ppm. It went up to 4ppm on 3/1/2011. Fort said that I can put flakes again if they will go down to 1-2ppm. But it never really stayed 1-2ppm very long. It always goes back up to 4ppm. Which is weird coz the last time I put flakes was 2/20/2011. Is it possible that there is still a continuous source of ammonia until now? I do have some plants in this tank. I know they said it will help the cycle, but I am not too sure with my tank now.

I think that's real weird. I would have expected the flake food to be gone by now. Are you experiencing any plant death, are any losing leaves (especially with the snails)? Decaying plant matter will do the same as decaying food in terms of adding ammonia. How large was your snail infestation? I wonder if they may be the source of your ammonia.
If that grey stuff is from your plant decaying and rotting, that would cause the ammonia spike too.
I think that's real weird. I would have expected the flake food to be gone by now. Are you experiencing any plant death, are any losing leaves (especially with the snails)? Decaying plant matter will do the same as decaying food in terms of adding ammonia. How large was your snail infestation? I wonder if they may be the source of your ammonia.

That was what I thought too, that the flake are all gone by now. But instead of the ammonia going down, it keeps on coming back up to 4ppm. Which is unusual since the nitrites are doing the normal spikes and decreasing in its proper phase.

I did notice one of the vals' leaves suddenly decaying in the middle (and this leaf was the new sprout too). I just saw this right after I noticed the snails. I cannot tell how many snails are in this tank right now. Everytime I saw some of them, I will always try to take them out as soon as I can. So far, I haven't seen a grown one again.

The greyish thing on the ferns before was just like a dust. When I did one PWC, I clean it off and it is all gone. The fern is not decaying at all from that greyish. They even are sprouting more baby ferns.

So I don't know if it is really the snails spiking ammonia...:-(
I doubt if it is the snails or plant matter causing it...

I think it would be any left over food that might be hiding somewhere.
hmmm, ok that is a long time.

The snails though... I have had tanks completely infested in them and eventually I smooshed em all or starved em off, and still never saw an ammonia spike. I suppose it is possible though.

It is really strange... the good news is it is fishless cycling, and eventually the ammonia has got to disappear, right?

31 days of fishless cycling, check levels around 10:47AM:

Ammonia: 4ppm
Nitrite: 0.25ppm
Nitrate: 0ppm

So, I am very bad..sorry BigJim, I didn't listen to your advice. I did a 50% PWC today around 11AM.

Checked the levels again around 12:03PM:

Ammonia: 0.50ppm (oh oh)
Nitrite: 0ppm

I am worried that now I really messed this cycle up. I did put a half of a pinch of flake food after I checked the levels to have the ammonia go up a little bit now.

I haven't seen any snails so far, which is unusual.

And yes OhNeil was right, I haven't been putting flake food since 2/23/2011 until today (after my PWC).
Okay to understand why I haven't feeding the tank flake food since 2/23/2011:

2/23 Amo:8+ (did a PWC) became 4ppm, Nitrite:0
2/24 Amo:4, Nitrite:0
2/25 Amo:4, Nitrite:1
2/27 Amo:8, Nitrite:5 (did a PWC again)
2/28 Amo:2, Nitrite:1
3/1 Amo:4, Nitrite:5
3/2 Amo:4, Nitrite:5
3/4 Amo:1, Nitrite:5
3/6 Amo:2, Nitrite:5, Nitrate:10-20ppm
3/7 Amo:1, Nitrite:2
3/8 Amo:2, Nitrite:0.50-1, Nitrate: 5ppm
3/9 Amo:4, Nitrite:0.50, Nitrate: 5ppm
3/10 Amo:4, Nitrite:0.50, Nitrate: 5ppm
3/11 Amo:4, Nitrite:0.25, Nitrate: 0ppm (did a PWC) became Ammo: 0.50, Nitrite: 0

So did I messed it up?
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Try just checking the ammonia levels for the next couple of days. Hopefully you'll start to see it trend down towards 0 ppm. When it reaches 0.50 ppm check the nitrIte readings. Ideally that should start rising. It may even rise really high to the highest reading on the test kit. That should be OK. If the ammonia trends down and the nitrItes go up then add just a little bit of flake food. You only want to add enough for the ammonia eating bacteria to survive. Don't do any water changes. If all this happens you should be back on track for your cycle.
Pictures from yesterday:



The melting leaf of the jungle val near the heater (which I cut out when I did a PWC):


My ferns with their baby ferns:


My java moss in the decorative rocks:


Side view of the spiral vals:


33 days of fishless cycling:

Levels at 3:12PM today are:

Ammo: 1ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm

I was happy to see the Ammo a little higher..I hope the cycle will go back to normal.
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