55g Dirt Planted

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Nick... Looks great... honestly, while you might like some other plants, I think it looks great as is. Not saying it won't look as good or better with a few more... but I really like the simple look you've got going.
Nick... Looks great... honestly, while you might like some other plants, I think it looks great as is. Not saying it won't look as good or better with a few more... but I really like the simple look you've got going.

I said the same thing. lol Looks pretty awesome as she sits now!
Haha thanks guys. I think it looks great as it stands, but I think it may be lacking height. Decisions decisions.
I read a nice profile on APC about Cyperus helferi, and it seems it's suitable for my conditions. I think I'm gonna go for that!

Marconis said:
Everything pulled except D.s and A.s, excuse the poor quality as it was taken from my cell phone and after a water change. Plants are lush green, not yellow. What should I fill the left side with?

Rotala w and pogostemon e. Looking good!
Sup? Did a water change at my apartment, and have some updated pics as usual. Tank is doing great! Had to remove about three dwarf sag blades, but other than that, fantastic. They are growing everywhere. The Amazon Swords are fine; a few brown tipped leaves but overall steady. They seem to be a tad stunted, not sure why, but they are still firm. I'd apologize for the cloudy water yet again, but at this point, the tank is always cloudy! Dirt,dirt,dirt. Also, two Vals were growing...must have missed some sprouting from runners.




One of the seemingly several snail species; these are the largest. Another species, that moves rather fast, inhabits the substrate.


Dwarf Sag taking over the empty space where the Vals stood. Gotta love runners, man.


White Planaria


"Newly" propagated Dwarf Sag showing healthy roots; snail on the other side of a blade.


Dwarf Sag in Amazonian territory.


I quit my job (so happy) and am finally moving back to my apartment to live here full time for school. This means that I will be getting fish within the next two months (probably in October once the heat dies down, to avoid AC). Need to decide on that.
Lookin good! Are you putting any root tabs under the swords? Without root tabs, mine never would get very big in the dirt, but with root tabs, they got too big. I'd probably leave it as is.
Looking very good, I think my swords would benefit of root tabs now that you say it. Love the carpet btw.
Thanks. No root tabs- I don't really mind them staying small, as long as they stay green. I don't want that DW covered on the right.
Placing a plant order today...still looking around.

Anyone have experience with Limnophila Indica? I like it.
Not much has changed in two weeks, but thought I'd update anyway, ha. Can't get the cloudiness to go away, it's getting a little irritating. Still looking for a third plant! Was going to buy today, but my LFS in Manhattan seemingly went out of business.

Was inspecting my recurring planaria infestation and noticed a this one strand coming from the substrate in the back of my tank:



Was on the GWAP algae classification page and still couldn't identify it. What kind of algae is it? It was the only noticeable piece...
Marconis said:
Was inspecting my recurring planaria infestation and noticed a this one strand coming from the substrate in the back of my tank:

Was on the GWAP algae classification page and still couldn't identify it. What kind of algae is it? It was the only noticeable piece...

I'm 100% sure that is Java moss. Keep it the grow nice
I used to have java moss several years ago, and my gut feeling was that it was indeed the plant. However, it seems extremely impossible that it would randomly sprout up in my tank after nearly three months of adding nothing to the tank. Weird.
Marconis said:
I used to have java moss several years ago, and my gut feeling was that it was indeed the plant. However, it seems extremely impossible that it would randomly sprout up in my tank after nearly three months of adding nothing to the tank. Weird.

A.tiny piece was probably on a plant or even imbedded in the dirt u uses or on the dw in there and btw I love your tank. It looks kinda like a mystical swamp right now
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