A couple planted tank questions!

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jetajockey said:
The u cfls are available in the fish section and you can also order them site to store if not. 25min away isn't far, I drive that one way to work every night, but then again I live out of the city.

I wouldn't worry about getting a heater for shrimp, and I don't heat my betta tank either.

I got one at lowes, and i hope it works!

Ha, 25 minutes isnt bad but my mom wouldnd want to drive. But in a couple weeks, ill have my licence and go get anything i need!:D

Really!? Awesome! I didnt want to get one. It would look ugly. Will the shrimp thrive and breed in 70-75 degree water?
Yeah, shrimp are fine in 70-75ish. I've kept my rcs/crs in everything from mid 60s to upper 70s without any major change in behavior. You aren't keeping a betta and the shrimp together, right?

The spiral CFL bulb you got will work fine, the only issue is whether it fits in the hood or not since they have that weird shape them.
jetajockey said:
Yeah, shrimp are fine in 70-75ish. I've kept my rcs/crs in everything from mid 60s to upper 70s without any major change in behavior. You aren't keeping a betta and the shrimp together, right?

The spiral CFL bulb you got will work fine, the only issue is whether it fits in the hood or not since they have that weird shape them.

It fits! Woohoo!

I want to keep the betta with the shrimp. I know it is risky, but i will start off with some ghost shrimp first. If they work out, ill go on to RCS and such.

I know it might not work, but ive always wanted shrimp, and my betta max is pretty mellow
So, with this 13 watt bulb what could i support? Maybe i could go diy co2 and make a high tec planted? I dunno, i just always wanted to get the hang of plants, and this is my only fw tank! At the moment i have an anubias, and small jungle val in there
It's likely enough to keep most plants alive, but really just a trial and error is your best bet. For new setups in the past I have gotten a package of trimmings so I could have several different species to see how they do.
jetajockey said:
It's likely enough to keep most plants alive, but really just a trial and error is your best bet. For new setups in the past I have gotten a package of trimmings so I could have several different species to see how they do.

Cool! Think i could support plants like lugwigia at least? Im thinkin i want dwarf sag, anubias, val, lloyedia, and maybe dwarf tears in thins tank
Yeah, the common ludwigia species aren't too demanding. I have some growing in all kinds of conditions. I don't know for sure about the baby tears but the rest on the list are all low light plants, I'm assuming lloyedia is elodea/anacharis.
jetajockey said:
Yeah, the common ludwigia species aren't too demanding. I have some growing in all kinds of conditions. I don't know for sure about the baby tears but the rest on the list are all low light plants, I'm assuming lloyedia is elodea/anacharis.

I think i spelled i wrong, but its not elodea. I think lloydiella is how its spelled? Doesnt matter
That's a pretty short tank so baby tears might not be out of the question with a couple root tabs, DIY co2 and a squirt of liquid fert. I'd say try a little bit out and see if it works. Some of your other plant picks might top out and shade the light but it's nothing to keep em trimmed.

How's that new bulb looking? Bright? How far is the bulb from the substrate?
Yes, i will have to trim frequently! Haha whatever, thats good!

I would love to try them and some dwarf sag. Ill do diy co2 eventualy, but ill have to learn how. Root tabs and liquid ferts-no problem.

Do dwarf shrimp do okay withiquid ferts?? Also, if i have a couple ghost shrimp inthe tank and added cherries later, would they crossbreed or are they in different families?

Thanks for all your help! Any suggestions on most plants i could keep?
They're in different families. I think the offspring would be a gross brown anyway, like their natural color. But they wouldnt breed because they're in different families.
George9 said:
They're in different families. I think the offspring would be a gross brown anyway, like their natural color. But they wouldnt breed because they're in different families.

Yup, awesome. George, what do you use for your planted tank?
Ghost shrimp would be aggressive towards dwarf shrimp. If you can't do HC, try glossostigma- looks great and is less demanding. Be careful with ferts (CO2 and liquid) with shrimp, just do not over dose, and start off slow. Chances are, your betta will be fine with ghost shrimp because of their size and the fact that they are transparent. But with shrimp like RCS, they're smaller and much brighter. I've kept bettas with ghost shrimp before no problem, but when I added RCS the betta ate them like nobody's business.
Yup, awesome. George, what do you use for your planted tank?

I think I put some root tabs in mine about a month ago. I do dry ferts (Plantex CSM + B, KH2PO4, and K2SO4 Monday Wednesday and Friday) Sometimes I do excel, when I feel like it lol. And sometimes Flourish, if I want to :D
George9 said:
I think I put some root tabs in mine about a month ago. I do dry ferts (Plantex CSM + B, KH2PO4, and K2SO4 Monday Wednesday and Friday) Sometimes I do excel, when I feel like it lol. And sometimes Flourish, if I want to :D

Nice! I think ill do tabs for sure, but reading the above from the shrimp master, i dont want to risk it!
Austin.b said:
Ghost shrimp would be aggressive towards dwarf shrimp. If you can't do HC, try glossostigma- looks great and is less demanding. Be careful with ferts (CO2 and liquid) with shrimp, just do not over dose, and start off slow. Chances are, your betta will be fine with ghost shrimp because of their size and the fact that they are transparent. But with shrimp like RCS, they're smaller and much brighter. I've kept bettas with ghost shrimp before no problem, but when I added RCS the betta ate them like nobody's business.

Hmmm well..bummer! I think ill do amano shrimp then. Do they breed easily like RCS do? Thats my main attraction of shrimp! Haha i dont want ghosts...they are lame
Gboy66 said:
Nice! I think ill do tabs for sure, but reading the above from the shrimp master, i dont want to risk it!

If you're not used to using ferts, especially on a small tank, Flourish and Excel would be the way to go. It's really hard to overdose the Seachem stuff. You'd pretty much have to try. Dry ferts are the best option if your serious about maxing out your plants and have a lot of water to treat but on a 2.5g set-up Flourish would be super safe. If you under dose or even normal dose a small bottle would give your tank a lot of mileage. You could wait until your plants are in for a while and see if they yellow and actually need it. Otherwise your root tabs could be all you need. At least for a while.
Gboy66 said:
Hmmm well..bummer! I think ill do amano shrimp then. Do they breed easily like RCS do? Thats my main attraction of shrimp! Haha i dont want ghosts...they are lame

I second that- ghosts are pretty lame lol :) Amanos eat quite a but of algea, you might have to supplement them in the tank. No, they require brackish water to breed, sorry. By breed I mean for the eggs to mature. You know, there are other Neo's, there's snowballs, yellows, rili's, blue pearls. And a green type. All breed like RCS!! (prolific) I might be ordering some rili shrimp soon, and if they breed, I'll send you some for the cost of shipping if you'd like?:D
If you are still planning to keep them with a betta then it'll be a good goal just to see if the shrimp will stay alive. The shrimplets don't stand a chance unless you have a way to keep them safe.
Hmm..i guess i have to re-think my plan here. Are there ANY shrimp that would be big enough? It there any chance of having fry survive if i pack the ground with plants?
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