Attack of the snails?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 4, 2004
Hi everyone! I'm new here and found this place compliments of An t-iasg (what a sweetie!). I've got a problem w/ the plants in my tank at the moment. It looks as if they are being cut into pieces but I don't know why. I'm wondering if the snails in there could be doing it? We bought the plants and along w/ them came a ton of baby snails. They are everywhere! Thanks!
Hi and welcome to AA.

Could you let us know the population of your tank? It does look like snails are the culprit but just want to make sure... What size as well? nice of you to say that! :D I knew it was only a matter of time before you couldn't resist me talking about this site all the time!
Clown loaches need to be in shoals of a few, and will grow big. I do not know the size of the tank, but unless it is >29gal, no loach whatsoever. If it is 20-40gal, add 3 zebra loaches (botia striata), if more than 40gal, you have also the choice of yoyo loaches. And if more than 55g, then clown loaches.
Thanks for the replies! It's only a 10 gallon tank... we've got 5 neons, 1 black molly, 1 'sucker' fish, two stripey guys (yeah, very technical, I know.) and another fish whos name escapes me. :?
Yes An t-iasg, it was only a matter of time before I got reeled in here. hehe
no idea what a stripey guy is...

Sucker fish: hopefully not a pleco. Otos are ok.

10g -> no loach, sorry. You have to remove as much as possible the snails by hand.
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