Bottom Feeder

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 15, 2003
I need to know what a good bottom feeder would be for a 29 gallon. I have 13 tigerbarbs, any ideas? ( no plecos )
No ple*cos? That leaves you with cory's, they are small and do well in packs of 6 or more.

Or Synodontis, or the redtail black shark or iridescent shark, or upsidedown catfish. Must watch what you get a lot of the catfish can get very big.

Maybe some of the loaches? They tend ot hide and come out at night so you don't see them much.
Actually, some plecos get quite large, so I agree with the no pleco thing. I personally have spotted cory cats (feel free to view my gallery) and they are great. Keep in mind though, they will eat food that falls to the bottom, but you need to also supply sinking shrimp pellets to be sure they are getting their daily nutrients, etc.

If you are strictly looking for a scavanger however, look into the rubber eels. I have found them at my lfs and am seriously considering buying one for the next tank I set up. They are blind and are shy (which is why they scavange the floor of the tank) so you need to make sure if you go with this guy that you provide good hiding places for them.
I think cory cats and loaches are the best bottom feeders, as the plecos don't tend to do a whole lot of gravel cleaning, at least for me. My shrimp definitely clean up a lot, but they create a lot of waste, ounce for ounce! My tiger barbs so far have not threatened my shrimp, but that may not be typical. Loaches are great but there are some that would get too big for your tank, so look carefully into that (
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