Catch your own fish tank

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Thank you for following and yes I'm very fortunate but believe it or not there are very few people who have aquariums. Also most queen angelfish come from flordia. I get I go out with some one with a liscence to catch them :)
Thank you for following and yes I'm very fortunate but believe it or not there are very few people who have aquariums. Also most queen angelfish come from flordia. I get I go out with some one with a liscence to catch them :)

To dive you have to be scuba certified?
I have a great fear of sharks and murky water cause I can't see them but truly they get a bad rap I love sharks just they might get a little hungry
I have a great fear of sharks and murky water cause I can't see them but truly they get a bad rap I love sharks just they might get a little hungry

And thats what im afraid of. If you taste like what you last ate then I will always be very tasty!
I gues if you are going to be mangled by sharks they might as well enjoy it.
I've been following but not saying much. As a scuba instructor and world wide diver. No scuba diver has ever been attacked by a shark without provocation. When people are bitten 99.9% of the time it is mistaken identity. The only species that seem to hunt humans are bull sharks.
I love sharks and have nothing against them but still have a fear in there nature habitat I wish shark finning was out lawed international. We kill 499,999 times more sharks than attack us.
I agree with they need respect but your stats are a little off over 100 million are killed yearly while on average there are 9 human deaths a year from sharks
Those stats are what we need to stop. I have been to New Hampshire and seen over 10,000 dogfish a kin of shark gill netted but had to be thrown out because out of season
Those stats are what we need to stop. I have been to New Hampshire and seen over 10,000 dogfish a kin of shark gill netted but had to be thrown out because out of season

I could not agree more. From what i know dogfish are sharks (i cpuld be wrong) The worst I saw was about 10yrs ago while scuba diving near the Galapagos Islands. We got used to seeing dead finned sharks littering the sea bed, but one day we came across 2 that were still alive and finned. Both were large I believe mako sharks and they were suffocating and bleeding to death.
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