Cycle coming to an end, a few questions before stocking.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 20, 2014
As I come to the end of my cycle of my first tank, I have some questions before stocking my tank.

First- My pH level in my tank stays somewhat low due to ADA Aquasoil and my co2. When doing water changes, my tap (well water) water's pH raises my tank's pH considerably. How can I prevent this pH swing from harming my inhabitants? I've heard aging the water works, but the water in the bucket wouldn't likely be the same temperature as the tank and I don't want to set up another heater just for it. Should my pH stabilize higher now that my cycling is almost complete?

Second- I still don't quite understand GH and KH and what they mean and what is safe. My GH is pretty high while my KH is fairly low. Are the levels I've been recording safe for my planned fauna listed below?

Third- How can I be sure the amount of CO2 I'm putting in the tank won't gas the fauna? I have it set to come on an hour before the lights and turn off an hour before the lights turn off after seeing people suggest this. I currently do 1 bubble per 2 seconds.

Fourth- When sticking to the normal dosage of Seachem Flourish Excel, will I harm my shrimp? I've also heard mixed opinions here.

Fifth- when stocking shrimp, should I give them an algae wafer after acclimating them? Should I hold off on feeding?

Here are the details of my water parameters. I'm doing the 24 hour ammo>nitrIte>nitrAte test to confirm a finished cycle after seeing yesterday's results.


Here is my Setup:

* Tank- Fluval Edge 6 gallon
* Substrate- ADA Aquasoil powder Amazonia
* Filter- Stock HOB Fluval Edge filter with 100ml purigen instead of carbon.
* Light- stock with 16" Finnex fugeray planted+ 16"
* CO2- Aquatek Mini with 1 bubble per 2 seconds
* Flora- DHG (attempting to carpet)
* Fauna- None (planning for 10 Taiwan Fire Red Shrimp initially and eventually ~6 celestial pearl danios and a nerite snail)
* Hardscape- seriyu stone
* Supplements- .6ml of Flourish Excel every other day, Flourish root tabs buried in substrate from the start, water conditioned with .6ml prime
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