cycling and stocking my new five gallon

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Oh I'm sorry you lost a lot of fish. :( I was going to do one seeded but I never got the chance to get fish for it in time.
Ok, I am at my moms and just tests the water.
Ph: 8.0
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 0 ppm
Am I ready for fish?
I don't know... but the nitrate test came out yellow, and on the chart for different levels, yellow is 0. I do have a moss ball in there... there is also some moss/algae (I don't know which one)growing in different places, like directly on the led lights.
Ok, I am at my moms and just tests the water.
Ph: 8.0
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 0 ppm
Am I ready for fish?

I looked at the previous page and on the 24th you had a little ammonia, some nitrite and nitrate. Between then and today have you not re-dosed with fish food? If your are only at the place where the tank is every few days and you can't re-dose properly there's a good chance you may have starved the bacteria.

Add more fish food (I'm not liking this method for you, I think pure ammonia would be much more accurate) and try to get the ammonia up to 2. Then wait 24 hours and see what happens.
I still have a bunch of fish flakes sitting under the gravel in my tank... so there is still some ammonia. I have two filters on it, and the bio media from another filter. So it should still be enough bacteria.
librarygirl said:
I looked at the previous page and on the 24th you had a little ammonia, some nitrite and nitrate. Between then and today have you not re-dosed with fish food? If your are only at the place where the tank is every few days and you can't re-dose properly there's a good chance you may have starved the bacteria.

Add more fish food (I'm not liking this method for you, I think pure ammonia would be much more accurate) and try to get the ammonia up to 2. Then wait 24 hours and see what happens.

I have been redosing, like I would normally feed the fish in my ten gallon. I put in a lot of food before I went to my dads. When I got back I put un a normal amount. And I am still doing it to make sure its cycled.
Where can I order very good breeding strains online? Also, do you think I will need a trap system that allows the fry to escape from their mother after birth, so if it happens when im gone, they will be ok?
I am starting to get the feeling that nobody is reading this anymore.
Where can I order very good breeding strains online? Also, do you think I will need a trap system that allows the fry to escape from their mother after birth, so if it happens when im gone, they will be ok?

I'm reading :) I dont' really think you should be trying to breed anything in a 5 gallon. Plus I'm concerned that it seems like the house with the tank in it is one that you are not at all the time (correct me if I'm wrong).

For the 5 gallon, first, I'm not sure it's cycled I'm highly suspect of the method you're using, but you seem to think it might be. I suspect if you put fish in there you're going to have ammonia and you're going to need to be doing daily water changes, or at least be ready and around to do them and I don't think you're going to.

And I'm also concerned that your other fish are not being properly maintained and cared for, and you have other fish that need better living conditions (I've said this before, but those Bettas in 1 gal bowls/tanks is not good and your goldfish needs a much bigger home, not to mention weekly water changes for all of them). But you don't want to put a Betta in the 5 gal. So I'm not really sure what else to say, you're probably going to do what you want to and then ask for help if your fish start dying.
librarygirl said:
I'm reading :) I dont' really think you should be trying to breed anything in a 5 gallon. Plus I'm concerned that it seems like the house with the tank in it is one that you are not at all the time (correct me if I'm wrong).

For the 5 gallon, first, I'm not sure it's cycled I'm highly suspect of the method you're using, but you seem to think it might be. I suspect if you put fish in there you're going to have ammonia and you're going to need to be doing daily water changes, or at least be ready and around to do them and I don't think you're going to.

And I'm also concerned that your other fish are not being properly maintained and cared for, and you have other fish that need better living conditions (I've said this before, but those Bettas in 1 gal bowls/tanks is not good and your goldfish needs a much bigger home, not to mention weekly water changes for all of them). But you don't want to put a Betta in the 5 gal. So I'm not really sure what else to say, you're probably going to do what you want to and then ask for help if your fish start dying.

What? Lol! I don't have a goldfish! I have one betta in a one gallon. I had a nitrite spike just after I got back to my moms house. I think I have said this before, but I have a ten gallon tank as well. I have some guppies and other fish in there right now. It will be used as an adult guppy tank. So I am using two tanks from breeding.
Sorry, I must be getting posts mixed up, but I think I remember your 10 was overstocked. Did you have a nitrite spike on the 5 gal again? If so I wouldn't add anything yet.
librarygirl said:
Sorry, I must be getting posts mixed up, but I think I remember your 10 was overstocked. Did you have a nitrite spike on the 5 gal again? If so I wouldn't add anything yet.

I had not other nitrite spikes, other than the first and only one I had
Someone on here said I could put a dwarf (pea) puffer in this tank, is this true?
Someone on here said I could put a dwarf (pea) puffer in this tank, is this true?

I'm not a stocking expert by any means, but I did some research and if you were going to keep any in that tank it could only be 1 with no other fish and even 5 gals for 1 could not be enough room. You could ask around here though for a better concensus, but I wouldn't just go with the first answer you get just b/c it's the one you want to hear or else you could end up with a lot of dead fish :)
librarygirl said:
I'm not a stocking expert by any means, but I did some research and if you were going to keep any in that tank it could only be 1 with no other fish and even 5 gals for 1 could not be enough room. You could ask around here though for a better concensus, but I wouldn't just go with the first answer you get just b/c it's the one you want to hear or else you could end up with a lot of dead fish :)

I have been researching a lot. Many sources say that I can. But many say I can't. But I want more than one fish in there. So I will probably go with sparkling gouramis or some type of annual killifish.
What about pygmy gouramis? Also, what are all the types of annual killifish?
My mom has been putting food in every night. I will test the water soon. I hope it is done cycling!
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