Doug's 105 rimless build and diary

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That's so terrible X, and again in sorry to hear. Do you have any surviving fish?
I don't know...but no other signs of stress/distress were seen for approximately 2 weeks. they all got over the initial "hey...I'm in a glass box instead of the ocean" syndrome and adapted to eating everything I threw at them and then all of the sudden, they all started dropping like flies.

I've wondered about this before and gonna just throw it out there.
Do you still prepare your own foods from fresh fish/seafood?
Doing so does carry a certain degree of risk of introducing parasites via the food. Some parasites can withstand the freezer if in the cyst stage which is why most all foods for fish have been sterilized using some form of irradiation and other methodologies.

Fresh seafood meant for human consumption does not go through such sterilization procedures and the risk of parasites is very high, almost guaranteed.
Of course we cook it or employ other means to make it "safe", the parasites can't use us as a host or we just assume the risk and enjoy our sushi.
But when you take the fresh seafood, chop it up and feed to the fish, you could also be introducing parasites that will more likely find a host in the tank then in your belly.

Just something to consider.

and I can't imagine just how gutted you must feel.....that just sucks...sorry
Again, I don't's a possibility, but then again, wouldn't it effect all the fish and not all but two? Plus, I have been feeding the 105's inhabitants the frozen mixture since day one and only now, after the introduction of the new fish, did they perish. Any poison would have to have been introduced to the tank just before the first sign of trouble, not weeks before, and if it was cyanide, why would my existing fish die?
All accurate observations. IMO, you got a lethal virus, bacterium or parasite that did a number on your fish. A autopsy might indicate what happened. But that costs $$$. I would switch suppliers and run some test fish for a while. Concentrate on the corals?

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Can get the ASM-4 for $445 from the same website. I run ASM's on both of my tanks and they are flawless. I have 3 years on one and about 1.5 years on the other with no adjustments to speak of.

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So $150 is a good deal? No pump.
I have a two pump Hydor. You think this is better? The ASM G4 is much smaller, rated at 100 gallons. I need something that will do 500 gallons of packed corals.

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I like the hydor better than the aqua-c or asm. I've never run the ev series, but the remora is a piece of crap IMO/IME.
Yes, Greg, I'm going to leave the system be for a month or two then order from a different supplier.
I like the hydor better than the aqua-c or asm. I've never run the ev series, but the remora is a piece of crap IMO/IME.
Yes, Greg, I'm going to leave the system be for a month or two then order from a different supplier.
The aquac remora is what I've a always ran on my tank because I had no sump when I started. I've actually had pretty good results with it for a hang on. It only works good of out is clean though. Injectors and tube. I still woods like to upgrade when the funds become available to a NAC series maybe. Of course my tank is much smaller too. Skimmer is rated up to 75 gallons I believe and my system is probably 60 gallons or so.
So $150 is a good deal? No pump.
I have a two pump Hydor. You think this is better? The ASM G4 is much smaller, rated at 100 gallons. I need something that will do 500 gallons of packed corals.

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Actually the G4 is rated at 350 gallons but I agree, still too small for your purpose. The G6 is rated for 1200 gallons but is almost $700.

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"The G6 is rated for 1200 gallons but is almost $700."
Yikes! It better be a trooper and last for life!
No offense Paul, but the remora I had, right out of the box until 6 months later when I sold it, was horrible. It didn't pull squat. It wouldn't even keep up with a 30 cube!
I have used the ASM skimmers before and though they did the job, they are made of cheap PVC and not acrylic, have no bubble plate, and use big pumps which use a lot of juice. Years ago, their statement " They are made at a lower cost, which will not affect the performance or quality, yet pass the savings on to you." once was true, but now you can buy much better quality skimmers for the same price if not cheaper.
No offense Paul, but the remora I had, right out of the box until 6 months later when I sold it, was horrible. It didn't pull squat. It wouldn't even keep up with a 30 cube!
I have used the ASM skimmers before and though they did the job, they are made of cheap PVC and not acrylic, have no bubble plate, and use big pumps which use a lot of juice. Years ago, their statement " They are made at a lower cost, which will not affect the performance or quality, yet pass the savings on to you." once was true, but now you can buy much better quality skimmers for the same price if not cheaper.
Yea I don't get a whole lot of gunk, mostly a "tea" but my bioload is pretty small I suppose. My nitrates stay at 0 or very very close every time I check though so I guess I may have gotten lucky with mine? That will be my next big upgrade though. Any recommendations? My budget is low.
What size system total volume? 40 plus sump? Are you plumbing in the frag tank? About 95% of the skimmer is the pump. The rest is just shape, reaction chamber size, and other doodads like a bubble plate, which just spreads out the bubbles a bit inside the chamber.
What footprint do I have to fill? What exactly is the budget?
What size system total volume? 40 plus sump? Are you plumbing in the frag tank? About 95% of the skimmer is the pump. The rest is just shape, reaction chamber size, and other doodads like a bubble plate, which just spreads out the bubbles a bit inside the chamber.
What footprint do I have to fill? What exactly is the budget?
About 60 gallons all together without the frag tank. Not 100% sure on that but an extra 15 gallon lee way would be a must I think just in case and for a tad over kill. I could build a new sump or limit the fuge. I have our can make room, but don't see why it would need to be a honker. I would prefer not to go over $200, but that depends.
Doug, how's your mental outlook doing after this mess ? Hopefully, after that period of getting mad ,kicking things and cussing up a storm wondering if this is all worth it you'll take that deep breath ,repair the damage and continue on. Nobody ever said that that reefing would be easy ,otherwise it wouldn't be any fun. Maybe this afternoon all your buddies from all over the country will plop down in their favorite chair ,relax pop a cap ,laugh a little and have a cold one with you . Say 6:00 pm est ? Now that being buddies !!!

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Paul,. pm sent.
Dary- I'm surely sad about the fish dying on my watch, but I'm not ready to throw in the sir. It's my friend who also got some fish out of this order who I am really upset about. Hes got 28 fish in his system and a single fish added to that tank has already killed 5 and made sick 4 times that.
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