Easy ground cover plants?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 17, 2014
Are there any easy ground cover plants that are easy to take care of and will look good in an aquascape? And what are some cheap stones that I could use in an aquascape?
What size tank is it, and what kind of lighting do you have? Are you injecting CO2?
What size tank is it, and what kind of lighting do you have? Are you injecting CO2?

It is a 15 gallon with co2 running in it but I am not sure about the light... I know it is high though
Understanding the lighting will be vital to recommendations. Most ground covers are high light plants, and will not grow successfully without the right lighting. Is it T5HO? LED? Can you look on the fixture and post the info you see?

What kind of CO2 injection are you using? Are you maintaining 25-35ppm CO2 with regularlity?

Sorry for all the questions... it will just go a long way towards recommending something you can have long term success with.
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