ghost shrimp question

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 20, 2011
I am currently in the process of adding fish to my 10 gallon and I have 3 glowlight tetras and 3 neon tetras who school together well. I'm planning on adding 2 more of each to complete their school. I know that's pretty close to full for a 10 gallon but I need a good bottom feeder to catch extra food. I was just wondering about the bioload of ghost shrimp and how many I should add
They don't have much effect on bio load but ur already gonna be pushing it with the 10 tetras I wouldst suggest keeping all 10 in a 10 gal you would be better of with maybe 6 or 7 of one kind the 5 and 5 probably won't school much in such a crowded tank. I guess if u stayed on top of maintenance u could probably keep 3 or 4 but expect casualties they aren't very hardy if u do find dead one and the are a pinkish color its bc your temp is too high its easy to cook them.

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The glowlights and the neons may actually school together. I don't think 8 small tetras would be too much for the tank.

Dwarf shrimp like ghosts and RCS really don't count towards the bioload. If you can find ghost shrimp that will breed in FW, get about ten, give them some java moss, and hopefully you'll have a breeding colony.
If I had 8 total tetras and 10 ghost shrimp could I add 1 male guppy with proper filtration?
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