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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 15, 2014
Hi, my name is Jay, I have been an on and off aquarium enthusiast for many years. (Only on and off because I am in the military and had to dismantle my set ups a couple times due to long training periods). I currently have a 55 gal setup with a marineland c360 canister filter, eheim 150w precision heater, all fake plants and black and white crushed coral substrate, as well as large chunks of dead coral for rock features. As far as livestock, I have:

1 Kuhli Loach (4" long)
5 red plattys
6 flame tetras
5 black phantom tetras
1 silver lyre tailed Molly
2 panda Molly's
1 very large neon tetra
1 black balloon Molly (and about 5 fry)
A bunch of now rather large ghost shrimp
And a spotted pleco
2 apple snails and 2 mystery snails

I live with my wife, 2 children, a rather large golden retriever and a cat in northern Ontario, Canada
Welcome !!

I hope the Coral doesn't mess with your PH. Sounds like a better substrate for African Cichlids ?

Any pictures ? Enjoy your tank. If you want to add live plants, tie some Java Ferns to decor. Tho the Apple Snails may eat them. I'd offer Romaine to the Mollies and snails then the plants should be ok.

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I originally had convict cichlids before I switched to the more community type fish, so that's where the coral came in lol. Although my ph has held steady at 7.6 which I believe is close to neutral. I test frequently with the API freshwater master kit just to stay on top if things

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