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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 9, 2005
Berlin, Germany
hi, i'm Kat. i live in UK.

i've been keeping fish for over 8 yrs, only in small tanks though due to lack of space. at the moment i have only guppies and blue-eyed rainbows. i'll soon be getting a good sized comunity tank & will need sugestions as to what to stock it with :wink: i have always kept a planted tank & generally prefer natural decor, although i've seen some prety cool "modern" styled ones :D

i'm also looking to buy a betta, but would prefer to get a home grown one from someone who lives round here. anyone from Oxfordshire here? (i'm not a big fan of posting fish)
Welcome to AA! :wave:

We have a wealth of information available about planted tanks (and fish for that matter) in the forums. If you haven't done so already, please read through them.
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