Is this tank restorable?

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Well I decided I couldn't not try to repair it so I've spent literally all weekend and today trying to fix it and I believe I finally restored it. Unfortunately I'm doing a fish-in cycle because ill be gone for 2-3 day spans for the next two weeks and I have someone that can take care of the fish for me. So far no leaks but ill wait and see...


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AWESOME! Now is this fish sitter responsible enough to do water tests and take corrective actions?
Lets hope so..the plan is that they will tell me what's happening and then I'll tell them what to do...sounds relatively simple doesn't it? Haha
Yes it does sound simple. That's not a bad idea. Hope all goes well for you and please update us when you get back if you would
I definitely will. Hoping to finish up the entire look of the tank this weekend
Got back tonight. Still in the process but I think I'm in the final stretch
Yeah I'm just gonna cave in and buy a new one in the morning...but at least I tried restoring this one!
It's a nice shape to the tank.
One of the things I use to clean aquarium stuff is vinegar... It works wonders
Nice, sorry about the old aquarium, ours sat empty for two years while we were in transition with my husbands work, I was very afraid it was going to be damaged, so I put it on a table in the basement and used sea salt to clean it and added water in 1/4 amounts leaving it for a couple of days each time and when I determined everything was still in tack we removed all the water and carried the tank upstairs on the table because I wanted to leave the gravel in.

Thanks for sharing we would like to upgrade once be buy our own home, I have been considering a pre-owned tank if I go this route I will definitely ask to fill the tank before taking it home.
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