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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 10, 2015
I am extremely new to this. We currently have a 5.5 gallon with two neon tetras and two guppies. We've learned a few lessons over the last 5 months that we have had this aquarium -- unfortunately losing a couple of fish along the way!

We recently were given (without any warning...) 4 african dwarf frogs. I know that having all of those fish and frogs in our small tank is too much, so I went out and got a 10 gallon tank. to transfer/set up the 10 gallon? I did some reading on this forum but am still confused. Should I set up the 10 gallon using some of the water/gravel from the 5.5 gallon? If I do that, how long do I need to wait before I can transfer all of he fish and frogs? I am not quite clear on how long a tank needs to cycle and all of that...

I have API's Perfect Start 1 month supply kit -- is this helpful in setting up the 10 gallon tank?

I'd love some clear, specific directions. No detail too small as I really am new and the last thing I want to do is hurt these fish/frogs! TIA!
i have done a tank upgrade succesfully last year,what i did is i set up the new tank and fill it up with dechlorinated water about half way and transfer all the decoration,gravel and filter media and as much water as possible from the small tank to the big tank and top it up with dechlorinated water,if the filter from the small tank fits in the new tank you can run it together with the new filter it will help with the cycle a lot,you can transfer the fish as soon as the tank is ready but keep an eye on the water parameters (ammonia,nitrites and nitrates)...hope this helps.

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forgot to mention i kept the fish in a bucket with water from the old tank while transfering everything from the small tank to the big tank,don't let the old filter get dry as this can kill the bacteria already established in the media...

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Thank you, Claudio!
You mention that 'when the tank is ready' i can transfer the fish/frogs -- what indicates whether or not the tank is 'ready'?
I believe he means as soon as you get the decor and gravel and such moved and the 10 filled up go ahead and add fish.
Thank you, Claudio!
You mention that 'when the tank is ready' i can transfer the fish/frogs -- what indicates whether or not the tank is 'ready'?

i'm not an expert nor i'm saying this is the best way,that is just how i've done it,but i believe that all the bacteria in the gravel,ornaments and filter from the old tank will be enough to handle the inhabitants waste as long as you only introduce the fish/frogs that you already have...if you want to add more fish or frogs wait at least 2 or 3 weeks for the bacteria to establish in the new filter...hope this helps...

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Thanks for all of the advice. Much appreciated! I transferred everyone last night and it seemed ok until Of the two neon tetras is missing, no clue where the heck it could be. That doesn't bode well. And the other is looking pretty bad---color is muted and he is stuck swimming on his side most of the time.

Help! What should I do? I am, of course, out of testing strips, so am going to pick more up as soon as I have some childcare issues taken care of. Water was good, normal quality last night.

Anything I can do-anything I can get at pet store to help?
Thanks for all of the advice. Much appreciated! I transferred everyone last night and it seemed ok until Of the two neon tetras is missing, no clue where the heck it could be. That doesn't bode well. And the other is looking pretty bad---color is muted and he is stuck swimming on his side most of the time.

Help! What should I do? I am, of course, out of testing strips, so am going to pick more up as soon as I have some childcare issues taken care of. Water was good, normal quality last night.

Anything I can do-anything I can get at pet store to help?

How did you acclimate the fish?
In the future skip the test strips, they are overpriced and not really useful. go with the API master test kit.
Unfortunately both neon tetras were missing when I returned later in the evening. I found one hidden in the bottom of a plant. The other is still missing and I'm baffled.

To set up the new tank, I first rinsed it out well, then put in some new gravel (well rinsed) as well as some gravel from the old tank. I had a mix of old and new plants and decor that went into the new tank, then I filled it about half-way with treated water. I used Seachem products this time, that was a switch for me as I used API In past. I put the fish and frogs in a bucket with old tank water while I put the rest of the tank water into the new tank. I put the old filter into the new tank and had it running simultaneously with the new filter for the first night. I put fish and frogs into new tank once temp was ok.

The frogs are fine. Guppies seem ok, too, but they are doing a bit of fast swimming up and down at times-and staying in one corner of the tank for periods of time--not sure of that's a bad sign as at other times they are swimming around throughout the tank.

I will get the API master kit this weekend. I did get more test strips before I saw the post saying they weren't all that great. My levels this am were: GH 180. KH -40. PH-7. NO2-0. NO3-20. So looks like my GH and KH are concerning? Assuming the strip is somewhat reliable... What should I do about that?

Incidentally some reading elsewhere on the net revealed that neon tetras and guppies aren't a good mix in a tank anyhow---do you agree? What fish would be a good addition to my two guppies once I get whatever tank issues I have under control?
To set up the new tank, I first rinsed it out well, then put in some new gravel (well rinsed) as well as some gravel from the old tank. I had a mix of old and new plants and decor that went into the new tank, then I filled it about half-way with treated water. I used Seachem products this time, that was a switch for me as I used API In past. I put the fish and frogs in a bucket with old tank water while I put the rest of the tank water into the new tank. I put the old filter into the new tank and had it running simultaneously with the new filter for the first night. I put fish and frogs into new tank once temp was ok.
If that's all you did then it's osmotic shock that caused the problems with the fish. It can easily kill fish when they are suddenly placed in different water. That's exactly why I posted this link earlier in the thread. Acclimation Procedure for Aquatic Life: Welcoming Home New Arrivals

Incidentally some reading elsewhere on the net revealed that neon tetras and guppies aren't a good mix in a tank anyhow---do you agree? What fish would be a good addition to my two guppies once I get whatever tank issues I have under control?
Guppies and tetras are perfectly fine together.
sorry to hear that,i feel bad now...i didn't have any problems when i did it last year...maybe i was just lucky..

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i have guppies and neon tetras in the same tank and never had any problems...

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