Newbie in need of help! New tank, need advice

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I think I tend to take for granted that the supplies available for me in my local shops are available for all every where. I am finding that it is just not the case. In the USA things are alot more readily available in the shops. And what you cant find in a shop can be found on line usualy for overnight delivery.
I think there's also an aquarium culture in USA. It's a lot more rare to find shops that even sell fish here
Yea around here you dont have to look far. In my particular area shops are a little thin theres only 2 places I can go for salt water supplies and 2 for fresh water supplies but the choices on line are almost endless. Its also not hard to find people local that you can deal with tradeing or selling.
Just popped into a local independent pet store for some more tap safe stuff. Just happened to mention about the ph issue and that I had been advised to get some crushed coral and told him how hard it was to get. He had a bag under the counter that someone gave him when he was having ph issues of his own. So I've come away with a bag of crushed coral and a cuttlefish bone for good measure
I think I tend to take for granted that the supplies available for me in my local shops are available for all every where. I am finding that it is just not the case. In the USA things are alot more readily available in the shops. And what you cant find in a shop can be found on line usualy for overnight delivery.

Overnight! Cripes, I wish. I usually work off two weeks and hope for a week. :banghead:
Delapool: that's not too bad at the moment anything I order from online including amazon seems to be 21 - 28 days shipping
Delapool: that's not too bad at the moment anything I order from online including amazon seems to be 21 - 28 days shipping

Geeezzzz!! I would be mad..
I guess maybe waiting time for shipping over seas comming from USA? Or is it actually shipping from over there?
Thats crazy. I guess I am a spoiled american lol.
It's shipping time to come from USA. Plus then you have the tax on top. One thing I bought came with a nice bill from fed ex that worked out costing twice what the item had cost me!
Tank seems good today.

Just tested water. Ph at 7 ammonia at just above 0

Fish looking a little slow but I'll put that down to the change in ph with adding the crushed coral. All in all it seems to be going well.

Don't want to speak to soon though
Good atleast the Ph issue is resolved. And yes the fish being a little sluggish could be from Ph change. Sounds like you could possibly be getting ready for nitrites to start showing. Ammonia looks good.
Hope so. Maybe once it starts cycling properly I can cool it with the water changes. My housemate hates me now. Haha
Oh your still gonna be doing water changes till the nitrites are gone and tank is fully cycled. Once you have 10-20 nitrates with no nitrites or ammonia then you can slack off. Tell your house mate I am sorry but I am not letting you slack off till its all done. Then you can use your nitrate readings to judge your water changes.
Oh god! It's never ending lol

Suppose if it's gotta be done it's gotta be done. After all, your advice has got me this far
It does get alot better I promise! The cycle is a darn good test to see if you are a fish keeper or a great fish keeper. So far you are a great fish keeper! You been working your butt off for those fishies.
When the cycle is done you should be able to do only one or possibly two water changes a week.
I dont know the conversion for gallons to liters but I change a total of about 120 gallons a week. It use to be 200 gallons a week but I down sized.
In the past few months I've come to find water changes relaxing and therapeutic, I take pride in matching the water temp out of my tub spout to my tanks by hand (to a 10th of a degree at this point:) ) just give it time! Fish love fresh water, Look closely, they're smiling every time.
In the past few months I've come to find water changes relaxing and therapeutic, I take pride in matching the water temp out of my tub spout to my tanks by hand (to a 10th of a degree at this point:) ) just give it time! Fish love fresh water, Look closely, they're smiling every time.

I know how you feel. The only reason I down sized was because I started a new job after being a house wife and stay home mom for 4 years and it was just a bit too much because I worked 7 days a week.
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