Plant Spacing in a new tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 13, 2004
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
What kind of plant spacing to use in a new planted tank?

I would imagine this is dependant on the species and the final size of the individual plant. But unfortunately, I can't even guess what the final sizes might be. Are there any guidelines for common plants? Do rosette and stem plantings multiply in a tank environment?

I would plant your plants about 1' apart, if needed you can always thin them out later. Some rosette plants multiply by runners and stem plants have to be propagated by cuttings.
I agree with trenac. In all of my planted tanks I start them out at about 1 to 1 and a half inches apart, then trim, replant as needed. IF it starts getting too crowded, you can cut them back, or even in extreme cases pull them back up if you want.
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