? Recommend medicated food?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 3, 2008
well recent discovery of tiny filament, zig-zagging small creatures in my tank as well as small dragonfly type creatures on my plants so I assumed these were nematodes and possibly midges of some sort.

Fish were in respiratory distress, but confusing because ammonia appeared to be reading 0 so I tore down the tank to disinfect. (overreacted?) New test kit showed the levels were originally about 2 in the tank at its highest...tough on rasboras, I know.

Rasboras and large snail are dead, corys came close but did survive and now are quick perky and getting over the shock of it all in a gently cycling tank (planted tank, 5 corys, 40 g).

They do appear to still be breathing very very quickly a lot of the time, and going to the surface ?more, despite ammonia below .5, 0 nitrites 0 nitrates...(Ammonia in tap water now reads higher than the tank--closer to 1, whereas tank is between .25 and .5...apparently due to the dechlorinator effect?). Is this a residual effect of past trauma to their gills, or a sign of ongoing problem?

I'm thinking maybe invisible gill, or even internal, parasites,. Once in awhile they do appear to flash (and at least one cory did even before this, tho I didn't know what it might mean. I thought he was just full of beans.).

Do people recommend use of the new Jungle medicated food for internal parasites? I don't want to handle them any more (I don't think they could handle it), or break the cycle on my tank by disinfecting everything. This seemed like a potential compromise.
Reactions or advice?
RE use of medicat'd food...

does anyone know whether medicated foods are a good idea for nematode or gill parasites IN the tank?
Definately do not disinfect anymore. Jungle's food is a great medicated food, not sure the cories will eat it though. What did you disinfect the tank with? Do you have an airstone or bubbler in the tank? If not try adding one, also what temp is your tank at?
corys & meds

Hi, thanks for your reply,

I haven't given any medications at all for now, mostly because I'm not sure what killed the rasboras and would account for rapid breathing in the corys.

Oxygen level is 11, ammonia is below .5 (can't seem to get it any lower as my tap is already at least .25 for now). Nitrites 0, nitrates 0, some plants in there just in case they might help, but few (I'm not convinced they're photosynthesizing, so don't want to overtax the water quality...)

When I broke down the tank I just used copious water changes using the hotest water I could, rinsed the substrate lots (i know, but WORMS), wiped down the glass (a little algae, nothing major), and ran tons of hot water through the filter material to start fresh (and took out the fine filter just in case)--Eheim external canister.

When I didn"t think of was to rinse the tubing, so unfortunately I think I had killed the frieindly bugs in there, then when I started my filter, I had a **** of time trying to make sure the slough-off didn't all end up in the tank...Some did, which might explain the huge cloudiness initially (other than flourite bottom stirred up), so basically I'm starting over. The water is clearing up tho, so I think we're on the right track.

Why do you feel the corys might not eat medicated food? It looks like it's a sinking food (the one for intestinal parasites). But I'm happy to hold off if you think it's premature. So hard to tell with invisible parasites!

I hesitate to treat with meds because I figure an ammonia spike might have injured their gills (hence rapid breathing), and the less I do to them now the better. They are exploring, eating, and are back to lining up beside the glass when I play classical music (!). So I think you are right to wait...

Jungle's medicated food may be too large for the cories. You can crush it up or you can get geltek to soak their food in. It is a medicated food but as it is a liquid I have had no success getting fish to eat it. Rather I soak the food in it for 5 minutes and feed.
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