Aquarium Advice Addict
Honestly I see no scientific evidence behind the "wait this long before adding rams" recommendation. They are not bottom feeders that need lots of algae and biofilm (like otos). I can see not adding them right off the bat, but after making sure that your biofilter can handle some fish, you have received the ram green-light IMO. Same goes for rummynoses.
Have you looked into apistogramma cacatuoides "double red" or "orange flash?" They bring the same beauty as GBR's without all the health problems. Even in tanks with awesome conditions, GBR's can die suddenly. Many attribute these health conditions to all the inbreeding done to get the striking colors.
Have you looked into apistogramma cacatuoides "double red" or "orange flash?" They bring the same beauty as GBR's without all the health problems. Even in tanks with awesome conditions, GBR's can die suddenly. Many attribute these health conditions to all the inbreeding done to get the striking colors.