Aquarium Advice Addict
I'm not sure I'd add guppies if you're thinking of having rams. Could be wrong on that though. Somebody had pictures of them together. I'd add a school of about 6 small fish of your choice, plus a couple of nerite snails. Let that ride for a bit and see how your tank handles it.
I'm a little cautious with shrimp and waited about 6 weeks after adding fish to try shrimp but you can add a few if they sell them at the shop. If they're available locally and aren't to pricy it won't be much of a gamble. If you have to order them online it's worth waiting to see how stable your tank is after you have fish in there.
Wellllll, the only small fish I am going to add are the Ember Tetras which I have to order online, in a school of ten. So that's why I was wondering if I could add couple danios or guppies first because they are hardy. If not I'll add the three upside down cats/Pit Bull Plecos/Panda Cories and nerites.
I just talked to Rivercats and she said I could add a couple 'experiment' shrimp and see how they do. I am going to add my two amanos because they are impossible to kill. LOL.
The amano shrimp here are about 2.50 so not that bad, really. I'm also going to try and breed them also when I have a brackish tank up so I'll have a little army