Starting 29 gallon reef tank

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You shocked the bb by adding too fast. Add like 1 fish or invert every week or 2. Patience is key. Your bb had to multiply to keep up with it's bioload so it takes awhile. Shrimp are very sensitive to that nitrate. I'd do a 10percent waterchange every 2 or 3 days till your bb stabilizes
Okay. Thanks. I kinda figured that's why it died and probably why my star is about to die. I'll go real slow.
So my star has not moved more than just moving a leg in the last 24 hours. Should I just declare him dead and take him out of my tank?
My CUC has destroyed my algea. My tank walks are almost completely clean and my water is much more clear. What can I feed my snails hermits and urchin? I don't want them to run out of food and starve.
Does anyone have any experience with blennies? I'm thinking a horned blenny?
So here's my options on fish. Anyone have any opinions or suggestions? Information on any of them? I know it's too many so I'm also looking for ones to eliminate from my list. They are listed in order firefish I want the most to clown/chromis I want the least. If a species is difficult for some reason a substitute species would be great :) I plan to have a reef tank and right now I have snails, some red legged hermits, and a Halloween urchin.
1 or 2-Firefish
1-Royal gramma
1-Horned blenny? (any other suggestions?)
1-6 line wrasse (probably only if I only get 1 Firefish)
1Goby pistol pair
Oh! I also like the yellowheaded jawfish and bangaii cardinal! Anyone have any opinions?
Is that your list or just your options? :eek:
Either get the jawfish or the goby along with the blenny IMO. Dont want too many bottom dwellers... :D
It's my options. I'm only gonna get like 4 or 5 fish. I'm just lookin for opinions.
So I'm thinking for my fish list:


Royal gramma

Horned blenny

Goby pistol pair

6 line or chromis

Can anyone help me with stocking order? Is a horned blenny a good choice? What goby's and pistol shrimp would you recommend? 6 line or chromis? If chromis, what kind? Any information on any of these? Mainly special needs or anything? Any help and answers are great! I plan to get my first fish Sunday. Please reply quick! :) thanks
Khij159753 said:
So I'm thinking for my fish list:


Royal gramma

Horned blenny

Goby pistol pair

6 line or chromis

Can anyone help me with stocking order? Is a horned blenny a good choice? What goby's and pistol shrimp would you recommend? 6 line or chromis? If chromis, what kind? Any information on any of these? Mainly special needs or anything? Any help and answers are great! I plan to get my first fish Sunday. Please reply quick! :) thanks

Royal garamma can be a jerk. May want to reconsider with the firefish.
Khij159753 said:
So I'm thinking for my fish list:


Royal gramma

Horned blenny

Goby pistol pair

6 line or chromis

Can anyone help me with stocking order? Is a horned blenny a good choice? What goby's and pistol shrimp would you recommend? 6 line or chromis? If chromis, what kind? Any information on any of these? Mainly special needs or anything? Any help and answers are great! I plan to get my first fish Sunday. Please reply quick! :) thanks

Also- keep in mind that only certain blennies from certain regions will pair up. The blennies from the golf don't pair up with the shrimp at all. It looks like you are stuck between fish that are peaceful and aggressive. I would work with a chromis, firefish, and the goby pistol pair. Maybe get a school of different firefish. Just stay away from the Africans because they are not as peaceful as the rest.
Reconsider both? Or reconsider keeping it with the fire fish? I know the dottyback that looks very similar is a jerk but most things online say keepin the gramma with the firefish is fine as long as it's the gramma not the similar dottyback. Is everything else good?
I read that blennies and gramas are peaceful. I know the 6 line Can be a bit aggressive.
Khij159753 said:
I read that blennies and gramas are peaceful. I know the 6 line Can be a bit aggressive.

If it was me- and just talking me... I would do just a mix of firefish and a goby or a blenny. That gives you top swimmers and a bottom dweller. Then I would add a blood shrimp for looks. That would keep bioload down as well. Lol. But it's your tank!
Every fish has its own personality but blennies and gramas have both been known to be more aggressive then expected. The gramas more of the two.
Jlsardina said:
If it was me- and just talking me... I would do just a mix of firefish and a goby or a blenny. That gives you top swimmers and a bottom dweller. Then I would add a blood shrimp for looks. That would keep bioload down as well. Lol. But it's your tank!

+1 a minimalist look can look great if fish are chosen well and makes for a much easier time handling parameters. I only have 4 fish in my 46 gallon bowfront
Okay. Do you know anything I could substitute to get the color of the gramma? And should I cut the blenny or add him last? I love their behavior and the way they hop around the tank.
If you like the hopping check out the twin spot goby I think also called a signal goby. For purple check out the purple firefish which will cover one of the colors your looking for and your fish. 2 birds with one stone :)
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